UMD - College Park Class of 2025 Regular Decision

Good luck J - I have a good feeling you’ll get in

My daughter also applied to UMD and in-state. We are anxious for the decision today.

Good luck to everyone who applied to this year’s admission.

Go Terps !!!


The college admission process is not for the faint of heart that’s for sure! Go Terps!


Good Luck to all


I got into Purdue engineering so I feel alright about my chances and I do favor UMDs civil engineering curriculum and location. However, the cost is ridiculous for oos students so even if get in I prob cant go ( 50K??). Still interested to see today’s decision release.

Stats- 96 W GPA and a 1470 sat
Civil engineering major

anyone checking password management?

checking it like crazy :upside_down_face:

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I am checking too, no luck

I think they probably fixed it so that no applicant can see if they had an account because of last year.

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Is password management working for anyone? It keeps saying error for me.

It’s not working for me either

I can’t wait for this waiting to end. Our kids need a break. It’s way too much. I read these posts, kids have straight A’s near perfect test scores and they are stressed, what are we doing to our kids?

I have to log off, it’s making me sad. Good luck.


You probably won’t see this and I don’t blame you for taking a break. But I agree it’s a shame that having straight A’s Isnt good enough anymore. You need AP’s, and good scores even in a covid year. I have been told more than once that this site can be toxic because of all the “stat” comparisons which can drive anyone crazy. Take it with a grain of salt, not everyone is being truthful (sorry! But it’s at least a little true). It’s hard to turn off all the noise.


Agree - you can go crazy saying “how come this student got in, but I didn’t with better grades, etc.” – its very subjective process and a lot of considerations - first the person who is reading the application, legacy, essays, EC, etc…lots of factors…good luck to everyone!


At my son’s high school before covid they did this parent college night where we broke out into rooms and was given 4 fake applications to read. We had to admit two, deny one and waitlist one.

What was utterly fascinating was many different parents had different thoughts on who should be admitted. Then in the different rooms as the groups debated they had totally different results. It basically helped you realize how completely subjective this process would be.


That is just awesome! What a great concept

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You’re definitely right. Even though admissions officers tend to be trained, everyone has bias, moods, gut feelings, and pride; These will all influence decisions. Unfortunately, COVID has made an already difficult process much more difficult for anyone except teen prodigies and international heros :joy:

In a normal year, I’d consider UMD my safety school. However, this year, I’m not confident at all. I am preparing myself for rejection for a school that I should have a high chance of acceptance. For all of you in this stressful time, just remember that it’s what you do with your college that really defines you. Don’t give up; Take advantage of the opportunities you have worked hard to present yourself with.


what time were decisions released least year? Sorry if someone else already asked!



Good luck everyone! When results start coming in, feel free to participate in this poll.