UMD Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

From all other decisions that I have seen, it is a link on the application portal at the top 'View decision" (or something similar). Don’t expect anything different here.
However, spidermom03 can confirm

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@SoofDad Isn’t Freshman Connection still an admission option they will hear about upon an acceptance notification when they are sent out?

I don’t actually remember, but I think that the decision will show up in the portal. I remember sitting in front of the computer with the kids refreshing the portal until the decision popped up. But honestly, child #1 was 8 years ago and he applied to 13 schools. Child #2 was 4 years ago and she applied to 5. They all start to run together.

To the best of my knowledge, Freshman Connection (spring admittance) is still an option. So accept, deny, or Freshman Connection. I don’t believe that UMD defers.

For those not familiar, even if you are accepted to Freshman Connection, you can still take classes at UMD your freshman year. In years past, those classes tended to be later in the day, and I think that there was a required class or two (my kids weren’t in that program, but both had friends from high school who were). I believe that there is even on-campus housing for at least some Freshman Connection students now. Maybe somebody with more recent knowledge can confirm?

The only difference is that FC students must register for classes that start after 3:00 and there is a one credit class required. Equal access to live on campus and FC only applies to first semester. Was perfect for my son who is a sophomore this year.


Freshman Connection is available to all those who get a Spring Admission, and it is not a separate admission decision.

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Students who get a Spring Admission have the option of enrolling in Freshman Connection. AFAIK, all Freshman Connection students can get on-campus housing, if desired.

Freshman Connection is not, by itself, one of the Admission decisions.

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Ah yes, that’s how it works. Students who get accepted for Spring Admission can actually attend in the Fall under the Freshman Connection program.

This link might be helpful: Freshmen Connection | UMD Undergraduate Admissions


3 days to go……


It’s also important to know that if you are admitted to Letters and Sciences, rather than the major to which you applied, it means that the major to which you applied is likely a Limited Enrollment Program (LEP). You will start out in Letters & Sciences and then can switch into your major of choice once you meet certain gateway requirements. This happens a lot with prospective engineering students. So please don’t be put off if you get into Letters and Sciences. You can still pursue what you want.


Very good point about Letters and Sciences. My son was admitted into Letters and Sciences because he was undecided on his major. By the end of his first semester, he had decided that he wanted to major in aerospace engineering. He had already completed all of the gateway requirements, so all he had to do was file some paperwork (we did have to go down to UMD over the winter break for him to do something, although I can’t remember exactly what) and that was all he needed to transfer into the Clark School for the second semester of his freshman year. It was very easy.

My daughter was admitted into the Smith School (business) as a freshman. It’s actually much harder to transfer from L&S into Smith than it is to Clark. Smith is competitive, so just meeting the gateway requirements isn’t enough. She had several friends who tried to transfer in, but only one was successful. Just something to keep in mind if you (or your student) have your heart set on a business major, but aren’t a direct admit into Smith.


Not admitted directly to business major - go to other college if direct admit.
Seeing various posts looks like it is extremely difficult to transfer from L&S to Smith


I’ve also heard some of the different schools spill the beans a little earlier. Like you’ll get an email congratulating you on your admission to like the Clark school or something before UMD has officially released theirs.

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Hopefully, those who get the early admit information will post it on CC

Yes my daughter got freshman connection ( she is graduating this year from UMD) she found out freshman connection with her acceptance letter

Does anyone know how MD ususally releases decisions for EA? Is it all at one time, and ig so, is there a particular time?

All at once for EA applicants. Likely around 5pm tomorrow. May be a tweet from the admissions office around the same time. Decision should be in your portal. Don’t be surprised if the portal is very slow around this time.


Correct. If you definitely plan on majoring in business, but are not directly admitted to Smith, it’s a bit of a gamble as to whether or not you can transfer in. It’s definitely not impossible, but it’s also not a given.

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One day to go……

Im so nervous. I have a 4.0 gpa great extracurriculars and did not submit my test scores. Feel like I’m right on line of getting in and not getting in. wish me luck:)