UMiami ED2 Class of 2025

@Sahil333 - i don’t think you can apply for a specific amount. UM will determine the amount they’re willing/able to award on a number of factors… broadly, merit aid is awarded to students based on academic profile (GPA, rigor of school/subjects, honors) and need-based aid is based on financial profile. If international, you will only be eligible for academic merit (though not 100% sure whether UM has grants set aside for intl).

I never had it before I was deferred EA which makes me think more of it randomly appearing now.

But there is a form in which you have to tell your expected financial contribution to Umiami

the RD students have it too (the link) so it’s nothing special

Yes, but it should be the same as what comes from FAFSA form (if domestic US), or NPC differential (if international). EFC is derived from a specific formula. If it’s different than from FAFSA or CSS, it will likely raise questions and require more documentation. Not entirely sure why they have that form, but for international students I’m not familiar… totally different ball game.

Schools don’t have to meet your EFC and its rare that they will unless you’re actually low income. Even schools that say they meet need usually decide what your need is by themselves.

Is the form only for international students? If not where do I find this form?

Its on your portal, under the ‘Financial Aid’ column. Will probably only show up if you applied for aid.

A form? I only see the financial aid portal, idoc, and financial aid interest status. I’m talking about the form that you are supposed to use to tell the school your efc. Someone had mentioned that earlier. Or maybe I’m confused

yeah its the portal we were talking about

Hey guys, I just wanted to say something to maybe help calm your nerves about tomorrow. I really do truly hope we all get in and I know this is soooo incredibly cliche but it’s said for a reason - if you don’t get in, it really just wasn’t meant to be. It means there is something else out there better for you, whether you realize it your first semester or years down the road. Getting accepted is awesome, but sometimes, getting rejected can be awesome too cause now you’re left to wonder what the path is that you are meant to take. Whatever happens, happens. And we all got this!!!


hey guys so i saw some documents said they were missing on my portal so my dad called the AO and they said 1/2 of the applicants for ED have the same response ie missing docs and that it will NOT affect their decision. Just will take a little longer to process. so not all decisions will be coming out tomorrow if you applied for financial aid and you were in the same situation. she said we would get a notification saying our application is still under review.

What kind of missing documents

on the financial aid portal

Interesting. I would think the decision of your acceptance would still come out, you may just not get the financial aid package. Is this what you mean?

Did anyone call the AO and ask if the decisions come out tomorrow for sure?

they come out for sure tmrw for people who didn’t apply for financial aid but she said if you did and ur part of the 1/2 of the ED pool who applied financial aid and had missing documents, ur decision will just say “under review”

my decision will come out as “under review” and same for anyone else who was missing documents

So you will know if you were admitted tomorrow, just not about your financial aid? Or will the whole application say “under review”?

i think ur right, theyre not gonna only admit half and let the other half wait. they’ll admit all the ed2 applicants but some will have to wait for fin aid

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