UMiami ED2 Class of 2025

ED came out around 2:11 but EA was at 4 est so it varies

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Oh then maybe not oops

i never did either. i think when the letter is unopened for a certain amount of time, then an email is sent

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The CDS says they waitlisted 8700 people

What are the chances they don’t release on a Friday this time?

theres like a 99.999% chance they’re coming out today lol


What I like to hear :sweat_smile:

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y’all think we’ll hear at 2est or 4est?

Hoping for 2

how much longer guys. whats the est time now

maybe 15 min

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nothing right

1 more hour waiting now i guess


I thought 2 more hrs?

I feel like its gonna come out a 2 cst

im not so sure… ill check every hour to be sure

yeah same

Ugh more wait

Doesn’t have to be on the hour as well