UMiami or UAlabama Tuscaloosa

<p>I currently reside in Chicago but quite frankly im not that attached to the city and I would like to explore a new city and way of life. I have a likely chance to get accepted to both schools. Problem is my mother doesn't want me to go away at all and would prefer if I attended UChicago or UIUC. That aside I've narrowed my list of away schools down to UMiami, UAlabama Tuscaloosa, USC, and Stanford. Right now Miami and Alabama have my attention the most. Which of the two should I attend? Why or why not? Include any other information on the other schools if u like but try to stick to these two. As I said before I have a pretty good chance of getting into any of the schools listed.</p>

<p>What type of program are you looking to study?</p>

<p>I know for sure that I want to study Pre Med</p>

<p>I’ll probably apply to both of these schools too and I’m leaning more towards 'Bama now. </p>

<p>Haven’t been to Miami yet, but Bama’s campus was gorgeous and Tuscaloosa seemed like a cool place to go to college in, with the Strip and everything. I think Bama is more your “typical” college setting/experience in Ttown. </p>

<p>But I don’t want to discount Miami. Going to school right outside Miami sounds awesome, and apparently the U has a pretty nice campus too.
But apparently the student body is rather superficial and you need to dig a little deeper to find more down to earth people. Of course this is just a stereotype, mostly based off of stuff that I’ve read on here and a couple of other reviews. I don’t think I’m into clubbing either, which apparently is big at UM, but supposedly (like frats) people who think they will hate clubbing end up liking it. </p>

<p>But the biggest thing against UM is the cost. It is around 50k a year and Bama is probably about 25k OOS. I’m not sure a what Bamas exact COA is because if I go there I’d get at least a 2/3 tuition scholarship, making it cheaper than in-state schools for me.
I know UM has scholarships and decent need based aid, but it will still probably be 25k+, while Bama could end up being a lot cheaper, like 15k, tops(for me). I’ll post the scholarship chart tomorrow, or you may have already found out about it.
Also if you are an NMF you get a full ride at Bama and I think all you get at UM is 2k, so that is something to bear in mind if you are a NMF. </p>

<p>I’ve heard UM has a pretty good pre-med program, and the overall better reputation than Bama, but Bama isn’t a pushover. I don’t know much about pre-med, I plan on majoring in political science or business. </p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>I have traveled extensively in Alabama. Very different settings. I know from the main discussion board you have a parent “challenge.” Will you be able to serously consider either? We parents are weird…but the vast majority have ther S or Ds well-being in mind. When I ask if you could “seriously consider” I mean will you be able to rely on emotional and financial support for either of these? OOS at a state U, without the merit aid Coollege talked about is not the best value, especially when you are sitting in a large lecture hall and realize you are paying twice what the in-state students all around you are paying.</p>

<p>If I choose to attend Bama then my mother will be happier because we have relatives there and close by in Mississippi, she would support me fully in that decision. Miami would probably be my choice if I received better aid from them so that I wouldn’t have to depend solely on my mother because in that case her help wouldn’t be guaranteed.</p>

<p>OK, visits are in order…what do you want out of a campus beyong your major? I think the PRISM at UM might be good for you, but I am sure Alabama would have something similar. Would Tuscaloosa become too small? Would the fact that UM doesn’t dominate the scene in Miami disappoint you? Do you think you would live and breath “Roll Tide” or just say, “Hey cool, we can go to the game…Nah, lets go to the beach this Saturday it is only XXX University” Lots of variables…If your Mom went to UM and then 'Bama, she may like UM better…happens a lot.</p>

<p>I have planned to visit Bama next week while visiing family but we may not be able to visit Miami until later on in the year. I feel that she may like UM better if she gives it a chance. Her southern roots just might be connected to Bama though. I think that each school has something to offer. I would be a football fan wherever I go and could enjoy life in Miami or the town of Tuscaloosa.</p>

<p>UIUC is in a very rural setting. If you’re ok with UIUC, you’d definitely be ok with Bama. I have graduated from two schools in completely different settings: UF (a rural one) and GaTech (metropolitan). They are completely different experiences. </p>

<p>At UF, everyone I hung around and everyone that was around me was a student (on and off campus). School spirit is everywhere in town. Everyone had to mostly rely on each other for fun by going to house parties, doing crazy things around campus, nature-related activities just outside of town, etc.</p>

<p>At GaTech, Atlanta was more the center attraction where the campus was just a place for classes. The city itself provided the entertainment so there was a disconnect between campus life and social life. When you go out to bars or clubs, it is a mixture of students and locals of all ages.</p>

<p>That’s a really diverse choice of schools. What would make you want to apply to Stanford and then all top-tier but not ivy league/ close to ivy-league status schools? How are your grades and SATs?</p>

<p>Have you thought about other publics such as UVA or UNC-Chapel Hill?</p>