umiami to build new orange bowl!

<p>JUST KIDDING, but i would like you to chance me =)</p>

<p>Male, from CT</p>

<p>GPA: 3.83 UW, 4.1/4.0 Weighted</p>

<p>Class Rank: 8/320</p>

<p>SAT: 2040 (710 Math, 700 Writing, 630 Reading), retaking this Oct</p>

<p>SAT II: 610 US History, 670/660 MathII/I</p>

<p>Classes: Difficult, 7 total AP's (1 soph, 3 junior, 3 senior), also I took 3 classes at Yale University</p>

<p>AP Scores: US Hist - 4, Comp Sci A - 4, Lang and Comp - 4, Calc AB - 4</p>

<p>Grades: All A- and above in my classes except B in AP Calc and B in my Yale music theory class (1 point away from B+ grr)</p>


<p>Music Honor Society - President 12
Math Honor Society
National Honor Society
Spanish Honor Society
Class of 2009 Advisory Board (Treasurer all 4 years)
Student Council - VP 11th, running for Pres 12th
SADD - Treasurer</p>

<p>Now, here is my hook. I play professional jazz trombone.
CT All-State Jazz Ensemble 1st chair - 3 years
CT Regionals Jazz 1st chair - 3 years
Gibson/Baldwin Grammy Jazz Ensemble - Finalist (a national jazz ensemble)
Pending inclusion in All-Eastern jazz ensemble
Recorded on an album
High School Jazz - 1st chair, Concert Band - 1st chair
Won Best Soloist award 3 years running in jazz competitions in Disney World, Virginia Beach, and Toronto
I have been playing professional gigs since 11.
Leader of a gigging jazz quintet, also play in a big band.</p>

Yale Book Award - based on academic excellence
My school doesn't really do awards...</p>

<p>Sport - Freshmen Baseball haha, also some travel baseball but nothing awesome</p>

<p>Work - ice cream shop for a couple years</p>

<p>Basically, I will be sending in audition tapes for the schools I mentioned, and I am hoping that is the thing that will boost my acceptance please help me out guys, I would really appreciate it!</p>

<p>I'm sure you're in. With a slight increase in your SAT which i'm sure you'll get after you retake you definitely quality for the Deans Scholarship (1/2 tuition)</p>

<p>you'll get in. i got a 2020 (1350) on my SAT and had like a 3.6 and i'm in on a half tuition scholarship. and my 1350 is like 100 points higher than the freshmen classes average lol. i think you're good</p>

<p>We'll let's see! You're in the top 2.5 percentile of your graduating class, pretty good GPA, a little above average SAT score for UM (1340, avg. 1300-1350), good amount of extracurriculars as well as strong caliber of classes. I'd say you're in with 1/2 to 3/4 tuition paid for.</p>