UMiami vs Tulane?

<p>I have 2 daughters - one is a junior at Tulane and one is a freshman at Miami. Both absolutely love their schools. Both have met a great group of friends, both in the business school and are doing very well academically and both joined sororities. Miami and New Orleans are very different cities. My older D loves the the southern charm and the funkiness of the area. My younger loves the beach and the atmosphere of Miami. I am so impressed with both schools. I don’t think you can go wrong with either school and your kid will met great people with whom they feel comfortable and share values at either school. Let me know if you have specific questions that I can help with.</p>

<p>Miami New Hillel building is going to be a wonderful new modern facility. The Hillel might be not as strong but the number o Jewish students is large but they tend to be more integrated into all clubs, fraternities and activities and that is </p>

<p>Living61–have you visited both schools? The campuses are VERY different. Miami looks like a luxury resort. Tulane has more of a traditional college feel. It is really a very beautiful campus…and so is Miami…just different. My son had full tuition scholarships to both Tulane and Miami. Ultimately, he decided Miami was a better “fit” for him academically and socially. Personally, I liked Tulane better, but it was his decision. He seems to have made the right choice. He loves UM</p>

<p>@Debra19 yes I’ve seen both campuses. Your descriptions are spot on and seem to draw similar students. What is your son studying? And can I ask where you are from? </p>

<p>My son is studying biomedical engineering but, at this point, plans on going to medical school. One of the deciding factors for him (I think) is that while Tulane had the biomedical engineering major, Miami had the biomedical engineering major with different concentrations–his choice being pre-med. Finally, he was named a “Foote Fellow” at Miami which has benefits not offered at Tulane. We are from Long Island.</p>