UMiami vs. Vanderbilt (full rides both)


Students are awarded the University and lesser scholarships with their acceptance letter, before they get the Singer/Stamps invites. Some of the people invited to the Stamps weekend have the University Scholarship, others have smaller scholarships, the names of which I cannot recall at this point. I remember that when we were at the Stamps weekend the student mentor told us not to talk about the scholarship we already had because not everyone there had the same one. So Singer/Stamps isn’t necessarily dependent on the University and other scholarships.</p>

<p>To follow up on seekinguni’s post about the different awards students had already received, from what I have read here, this seems to be the first time any students who hadn’t received the University 24k award reported receiving an invite to one of the scholarship weekends. There were a couple invitees to the Stamps/Singer weekend who had received the Dickinson 20k and another poster, IvanKaramozov, who started this thread :</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>and posted again in this one:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>does imply that a student who received 16k had received an invite to a Singer (not Stamps) weekend:</p>

<p>I only saw a few reports of the lower scholarship award invites, so there is no way to know how many of those students received an invite. Since that was new this year, it’ll be interesting to see how the next cycle plays out.</p>

<p>What does a person need to do to apply to these scholarships? Do I just apply as I normally would and hope for a scholarship paper to come along with the acceptance?</p>

<p>Your scholarship app is your college app. You’ll get an email in February if you are chosen as a recipient of a scholarship/get an invitation to a scholarship weekend.</p>