UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Thank you!

Sorry to hear ! Agree with @Search2022. Onus is on interviewer to help manage these interviews. For most of the students , this is the first time ( or nearly so) interviewing in what is already a stressful period. Best Wishes !!

Sorry she felt that way. Interviews are tough for 17/18 year old kids. Itā€™s unfortunate her interviewer didnā€™t help put her at ease for it.

I know my son will be nervous, even knowing it doesnā€™t affect admissions. Hopefully itā€™ll go well as heā€™s so unsure about where to go (if he gets in of course). He was supposed to interview a week or so ago, but had to cancel and will set it up for January instead.

I might have the contrarian opinion, but sounds like your daughter experienced failure with little to no risk/threat. I would say low impact failures (real or not) are good for everyoneā€¦ I wish my child had more of them.

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Thank you @Search2022 @Luanne @QuestInfo @ItIsJustCollege . I was really proud that D got out of her comfort zone and decided to participate in the interview although itā€™s not her first but apparently a tougher one (She had interviewed in the summer and got her first part time job). Agreed, it may be a little painful but itā€™s a learning experience.

Best luck to everyone! Have a great holiday!


Does anyone know if you have a better chance of getting into UMich as a legacy?

i think yes, but legacy considered as grandparents and siblings. NOT parents.

Why is that?

beats me! DD applying EA for Fall 22, and my DD19 attends, but Dad is not considered as legacy. DD19 had good friend whose Dad also legacy, but did not get in. Think just sooo many people want in!

I heard that Michigan looks at demonstrates interest, so perhaps legacy ties into this? Honestly, college admissions can be so random! Itā€™s all up to the admissions to decide who they believe would be a good fit even if the applicant believes that they are a good fit themselves. Whatever is meant to happen will happen!

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The various google search results for legacy helping in UMich admissions is ambiguous. The most recent post of a few years ago stated that legacy doesnā€™t help, but Michigan uses it in their calculation of yield post-acceptance. The CDS states that alumni relation is ā€œconsidered.ā€

But thereā€™s been many rejections of legacies over the years here on CC.

I think legacy is considered only as a yield management tool, and not as a profile enhancing factor. If the parents went to UMich and the kids weave that in their essays organically itā€™s a yield protection signal and hopefully the admissions team picks up on that.

When weaving it into their essays what would one say?

And thatā€™s what I said:

However, the 2020-2021 CDS still states that ā€œalumni relationā€ is ā€œconsidered.ā€ Ambigious, at best. Maybe when the 2021-2022 CDS is released they will have moved ā€œalumni relationā€ to ā€œnot considered.ā€

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Depends on the individual experiences. My S22 said he talked a lot about his formative experiences in Ann Arbor to show the impact UMich has had on his life so far.

edit: Just to be clear, I donā€™t think legacy will help with admittance but can likely help in situations where a strong applicant might be otherwise denied due to yield protection.

Many, many legacy were not accepted the last few years. Make of that as you will. Itā€™s a nicety but not as important as it used to be.

To weave it into your essay you would just mention it in a quick one liner. No one can tell you if it helps. If it comes down between you and someone elseā€¦ Then maybe but with 80,000 applications, canā€™t see that happening a lot anymore.

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Legacy didnā€™t help when my daughter applied, twice (as a HS senior and as a transfer). And had the grades and resume for it, too (she ended up at an Ivy League). Oddly, we felt it hurt her in some way. But, who knows?

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If umich asks for more financial information before acceptance, does that mean they have interest or are planning on acceptance?

Hi, I applied to Ross through LSA. Just wanted to know what you guys think my chances were:

IB Predicted: 43/45 (MAA HL, CS HL, ECON HL, Eng A LAL SL, Phys SL, Spanish B SL)

SAT: 1530 (800 Math 730 EBRW)

Decent essays

Good ECs (I was the president of the business society at school)

I am OOS and requesting for aid

However, as a side note, I used their cost calculator thing and saw that I didnā€™t qualify for any aid. So I hope me asking for aid as an OOS applicant wouldnā€™t disadvantage my application?