UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

My son got an email about the Hail interview. Can anyone shed insight? He has to reply if he is interested in one, and they would inform him after 2/18 to schedule. Is that date significant if anything…. Like a wave of decisions being released?

I was told it’s like a Rube Goldberg machine. If someone or something doesn’t work the way it should, the whole process comes to a complete stop.

In the old days, we used to blame the people in the A/V dept. Now you blame the CTO.

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No package.

Nothing special about the date :eyes:. “some” think there “might” be a release or something :thinking:.

Interview is just educational. But it’s a great way to practice interviewing and showing interest (debatable). If accepted prior to the interview then… Don’t really need to do it…

30 kids from our HS (class of 125) applied, 2 got in. Rest postponed. I think this year is different than other years. Also, my engineering kid had an interview maybe 2 weeks before his postponement. He said it was his best, and he’s had about 8. But, I don’t think it really has any weight. One of the kids who got in told my son his interview was awkward and that he didn’t feel he convinced the interviewer with his answer to the “why Michigan” question.

Good luck!

Nothing yet. :+1:

Thanks. Hopeful for some decisions to be released that day!!! Just interesting they gave the 18th the date for interviews notification. Hmmmm :grin::pray:t2::four_leaf_clover:


Yes, it possibly may be one or it may be the other. Nothing has changed.

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So no one makes anyone do something they don’t want to do. Wait listing is a choice. Don’t want to play it then don’t accept the wait list. I will correct myself. We the parents forced my son to accept and stay on the Georgia Tech wait list. “We” wanted to see the end results. He had moved on since being accepted. He thought we were childish and said he wouldn’t go there anyway. It was our ego at play, not his… But… It was our “choice”.

Final decisions by early April. Sure rather have a concrete date but… They might also let you know prior. If not, early April, like the end of the first week, you should know the outcome. But… You might know before…

Trust me, the parents put undo stress on our kids. They read us. I know mine did. He told me I made it more stressful for him during his senior year. I pass this on so hopefully people don’t do that to their kids. It’s their senior year during a pandemic. My last two didn’t have a live graduation. Hopefully this year it will be better.

Good Luck.


Not sure if this is the right thread to post this but I don’t really understand why Michigan has and EA and RD deadlines. They could make it easy and less stressful for students. Maybe wait until mid Feb to release all decisions. Take time to review all applications.

For example, UF now has one deadline to apply Nov. 1st and one acceptance date usually the third Friday of Feb. No deferrals, postponements, waitlist, you get in or you don’t, it’s just simple. The only difference for UF is the option to start Summer B, Fall, or Spring, or apply to Pace or Innovation Academy.

Michigan could offer a Summer and or Winter start program for all students, I know they have a few selected programs that gave those options.

Just an idea, it would take the stress off of our all ready stressed out kids. Am I missing something?

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Not yet. Daughter just got her Northeastern acceptance package in the Mail.

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No mail from any of the accepted schools.

Email them with the suggestion. I think they the school needs to hear from parents/students actually. Wish we had the power💪


That is similar to what UIUC has done this year. Their deadline for what they call « priority admission » for high demand majors like engineering was November 1, with January 5 being the overall deadline. They then have one release date. At first they said it would be mid-February, but a few weeks ago they named February 25 @ 4pm as the date. That’s not exactly mid February, but it’s a guaranteed date and time. No deferrals, your either in or your out.

While knowing admission status in December or January is ideal, I’d pick a guaranteed decision in February over waiting until April any day.


I think UVA has it down right. I would like to see UM install an ED round (and for schools like Ross, accept 50%+ in ED round). Then, with 40-50% of your class known and a yield rate of close to 100%, present a normal EA round where high quality candidates have a reasonable chance of admittance- not the UM model where they postpone the overhwelming majority. Then you have +/- 25% of the class left to take in the RD round. They care about yield? This cures a lot of it. They care about accepting kids whose first or second choice is UM? Same- ED proves it’s #1, and EA means it’s in the running.

The current EA setup is disingenuous, primarily because they promote an early look yet for most they don’t provide that.

Btw, you want to know what could really throw a wrench into the process? Have a school like UM accept EA students in January but ask them to commit or withdraw by the last week in March. You want to come here? Awesome, you’re a great candidate. You want to play our acceptance against possible Ivy or other private school decisions? Gotta choose.


Congratulations! Can u share her stat?

ED is beneficial to the schools, not students. Its the worst manifestation of the yield game.

The best solution for the students is one deadline by 12/31 and place a cap on the number of apps allowed through the Common and Coalition apps. Then people exhibit a little patience until one decision date.

But again, none of this is designed today to benefit students.

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Yes 3.95 uw 4.1 w
1480 sat
AP’s -
Student govt officer, NHS officer, tutor, teachers assistant.


But what about all the people who need to shotgun to compare aid? I am skeptical that unlimited apps helps them, but maybe someone can explain.

common app is already capped at 20:,from%20your%20list%20of%20colleges.