UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

College of Engineering

College of engineering.

Yeah, I assumed the poster may have gotten some $$ and on top of a smaller tuition at Purdue. I was comparing net relative to UMich. Rose is the same tuition as Umich but OP would have got at least 30k scholarship and had a shot at Nobblitt.

You have to get accepted by any “home” school at Michigan. Engineering is one home school. Very hard to do both but some do. At that point might as well do Industrial Engineering which is like business engineering

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Lots of schools he would get great merit at. Rose is great but so different from Michigan.

Has anyone heard about in-person admitted student events at Michigan? Trying to plan spring break!

Edit: never mind, found it on her portal

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westchesterdad, The WSJ ranked schools based on surveys of corporate hiring managers, and of the top 25, 15 were flagship state schools like UIUC and UT Austin. The top school according to the survey: Penn State.

Interestingly, the only Ivy League to make the list was Cornell on the strength of their engineering and business programs. Some recruiters reported that they did not interview at the Ivies because their students were not better prepared than other students and they had a terrible sense of entitlement.

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are we looking at March 4th for a first deferred ea/rd wave? :pray:

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FYI- While likely directionally accurate in terms of sentiment, some programs actively solicit alumni to respond to these surveys. Without naming the schools I can confirm at least two actively recruit graduates to “stuff the box”.; I suspect this practice is wide-spread

I didn’t apply to any of those because I would’ve picked Florida over them for sure. Florida in-state tuition is amazing and I would likely be getting paid some money in total because of outside scholarships and whatever scholarship money they may offer next week. USC gave great merit to my brother, and GT gave awesome alumni scholarship (local chapter), so hoping for similar for myself. The rest are definitely toss-ups for scholarships but hoping one will come through - I’ve definitely put in extra effort with reaching out to Michigan over the past year and a half to hopefully give myself a better chance!


I do plan on doing CS at COE with Ross which I know will be a lot and very difficult but I also have a lot of high school and DE credits that will hopefully make it easier

it appears everything is on a similar timeline to last year, so I think the big ones will probably be the first week of March. I think Shipman was March 9 last year and Stamps is usually a week or two after

No doubt schools attempt to game the system. While at grad school our dean shamelessly solicited favorable ratings from us on USNWR surveys because it would help the school’s ranking and make our degrees more valuable. He also told horror stories about how some schools doctor their numbers by including math components, but not English components, for standardized test scores from international students.

hopefully, their spring break is march 1st so maybe a little bit later than that.

Last year they were on spring break during the fri March 5 release, so hopefully it will be the same this year


It’s still possible. Attend whatever events/sessions they invite you to. Look for Alumni scholarship chapters in your state. Look at College of Engineering website, they have a few scholarships you can apply to.

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GT also gives scholarship plus COA is almost half of UMich and is a great Engineering school. USC was very very expensive as my kid didn’t do priority so wasn’t considered for any merit scholarship.

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? Still need room and board etc. Instate is awesome but it’s still like $55,000 vs $67,000 (estimate) for OOS

Please do a deeper dive. Ross and coe take almost no AP credits. Engineering will allow some towards your electives. My son wanted engineering but also wanted to land in management so Industrial engineering (business engineering) with entrepreneurship minor and sustainability minor it was. Had 3 advisors. One for each.

Contact your Michigan schools now and ask questions now. Don’t wait. Very few do this for a reason but it sounds like your “that” kid and its great. Just keep in mind a double degree like this doesn’t get you a job. Still have to be active on campus. Internships and jobs want active students. Lots of business students do cs minors. Engineering doing business minors and others. Look at all the minors you can also do with both schools.

Doing study abroad might be impossible. My sons study abroad and engineering abroad internship landed him an international job in their 4, year leadership program.

Also, you want to have some fun. Michigan’s a great school to do that at.

Again a huge congrats on getting accepted to both. Talk to students that have done it before you and do a deeper dive into all your options and opportunities at Michigan. There are tons of them.

Good luck.


@Knowsstuff where did your son do his study abroad? Where they engineering classes or general classes? Thank you