UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

I have a different, but related question: for some schools where DD has been admitted and knows she does not want to attend now (other options she likes better) we cannot find anywhere to “Decline” the offer and tell the school “No”. It sounds stupid, but for some of these schools, it is impossible to find (even GC could not find it). So, should she email the AO?


Case is a very good school and especially in engineering. They are just going too far in pushing for applications. My son received several emails after application deadlines had passed telling him that they still wanted o see his application and would extend the deadline.

Maybe she should give the admissions office a call at these schools and ask them how to decline? So odd that they don’t make the process obvious. Good for your daughter for wanting to let them know as soon as possible.

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After reading about the lack of responsiveness from some GCs I feel quite fortunate. My son’s GC spent an hour and 45 minutes with him at the end of his freshman year to map out what classes he would take until graduation to ensure he got into all the STEM AP classes engineering schools would expect to see on his transcript. Our registrar typically would send grades within one business day of a Parchment request, and she even helped our son navigate Parchment.

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great idea, but you know how hard it is to get a teen to make a phone call --LOL. It is really weird that it is not obvious. She will start calling.


I messaged the Stamps Organization on FB this AM and they confirmed that U-M Ann Arbor is not a partner this year so no Stamps Scholarships. Strange as they still show the U-M logo on their Partners page.
Screen Shot 2022-02-22 at 2.47.32 PM

They still do, more than any other school my DS has been accepted to.

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Same here. I almost called the school it was so bad. D22 never even applied.

For a student to go over 12 schools this year, they had to meet (with their parent(s)) with the GC and the head of college counseling and work through the list. They also needed to share all of their essays for schools, in order for the GC to understand they weren’t “shotgunning.”

Ours applied in the teens. I’d say 2-3 were slam dunk likely, 5-7 were target or target/reach where her stats placed her historically in solid position (of which UM exists) and maybe 3-4 reaches where she is in the 75% but acceptance rates are in the single digits.

In this new world, UM is squarely in the crosshairs of SO many students. It’s such a well-known, excellent school that it is part of just about every tremendous student’s initial list.


My daughter withdrew her application from Case and we all still continued to receive emails as if she hadn’t. Then today the email that they were pulling the plug because they hadn’t heard from her. Seems very disorganized.


Do any of you parents call the school yourselves? I’ve been trying to really make this my daughter’s thing, but does it reflect badly on her if I call or email the AO myself?

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Interesting. DD22 applied to 2 “safeties”/ rolling admits; 3 targets (UM was one) EA; 4 reaches RD with single digit acceptance rates/1 target RD. Her ED had ~30% acceptance rate but also stated that ED conferred no advantage. 2 foreign schools (has already withdrawn one). It was very hard to find schools in the target range. Felt like they are playing the yield game (so hard to get into EA/RD but likely if ED).

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Do you think some of this is a Westchester area thing? Private school thing? My oldest looked at a very well known school and decided not to attend based on history of the school curating Seniors and allowing only some of apply to some schools. It seemed pretty evident that kid with name on building was going to get first dibs at HYP. We’ve heard horror stories from friends with kids in privates.

I think what you described sounds reasonable and fairly normal for a private school esp in certain areas. But this would not fly at all in a large public school. Then again the CG in a large public wouldn’t have the time to do this.
I think kids using acceptances as ego boosters is fairly common. My own spoke about this once and we discussed it. Part of the issue with the system being so crazy is it makes our kids crazy too and reinforces some negative things. It’s one thing to ask a kid not to apply to 20 schools, but another to ask a kid not to have a 4-5 choices after applying to 20 schools ( just based on low acceptance rates). Some kids need the choices for FA, others don’t. ANd some think the May 1 deadline is theirs to embrace. THey would never disengage before that date.

Certainly not us. We believe it’ll reflect poorly on the applicant.


The public schools don’t have the big money donors or the storied (famous playwright/academic) legacies, so going public - you’ll never compete with those legacies/donors. But you are not likelier to get into HYPS from public because you really have to be that kid with pointed interests/hooks - be it in sports or academics. It’s in the space behind the HYP (+ little Ivies) that I think the privates can do a better job than the public schools. You don’t have hordes of kids applying to the UMich/UVA/UNC/NEU/better SLACs to see what sticks.

That’s been my thought as well so I have resisted the urge, but I always have one more question after every call that she didn’t ask :rofl:

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Agree completely. There are pluses and minuses to both public and privates assuming one even has those options ( most don’t due to finances/distance/etc). And yes, loads of great kids go to schools that aren’t Ivy but are very well known.

Things are changing so much year to year recently. Michigan used to be a decent shot school for top students at our high school now this isn’t the case. I think Michigan is looking to diversify their applicant pool and no longer go for certain out of state feeder schools. Yes a few may still be accepted but not like a few years ago.

Our son has one of those too. His College Counselor just said to email the regional Admissions Officer to let them know.

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