UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Did he already receive his waitlist decision?

He probably meant Postponed and then Rejected.


No I think he is class of 2021 from last year. That’s why.

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Has anyone received the housing application yet today? Not sure what time they’re coming out but I’ve been refreshing my email all day… I paid my deposit and I was accepted to both the RC and honors program.

When you say they rejected applicants they thought were less interested, what does that mean? How can they show more interest?

We are OOS and U of M is the first choice for my son. Aside from his top notch academics and extra curriculars, we made a trip there last summer to tour the campus, he maintained contact with our local admissions person and yet was still deferred EA and now wait listed. Incidentally, he was received an EA direct admit to Northeastern’s Engineering program.

Nothing makes sense this year.


No, was something supposed to come out today? D22 received her acceptance to a MLC today, but no actual housing stuff.

True statement!

I think we are all just grasping at straws to try to figure out why kids were rejected … and it’s pointless b/c we will never know.

In state admissions are usually a bit more predictable, but everything we thought we knew about those flew out the window this year as well.

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Anyone know when people who were admitted off the waitlist in the past heard back? Like around early May or June?

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Yes, typically May and June are the “biggest,” or most frequent months, in terms of admissions from the WL. But I’ve seen them as early as April and as late as July, adding my usual disclaimer that CC is a tiny sample size and that’s all I can see.

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Was she waitlisted?

No, she was postponed from EA and accepted on 2/25.

Yes, he was postponed, then rejected.

My daughter got into LSA honors , can you please share what advantages or value does it has? Additionally when does scholarship information come ?

He is deciding between Case Western and Carnegie Mellon. Case is more student friendly and flexible on changing majors, having double majors, etc., but CMU is much more highly rated, has better outcomes, and the facilities are amazing with a recent addition to the main science building, new labs, and a new engineering building under construction. J has been a bit anxious about CMU’s reputation as a grind, but the school is really making the sale that there is plenty of support, they have high freshman retention rates, and their graduation rate is strong.

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funlab, Our son, J, visited all the schools to which he applied and attended Zoom or in-person info sessions. Not only did he want to see the schools, but he wanted to be on record for making the effort to travel to the schools.

Of all his application essays, he spent the most time and thought on the “Why CMU?” essay. He really poured his soul into it saying that if wanted to be engineer #4,528 at GM measuring fuel pump failure rates he could go to MSU or Kettering, but we wanted to attend CMU to do cutting edge work. For his UofM’s “What group do you identify with and why is that important to you?” essay he wrote about belonging to the STEM kid cadre on his high school’s robotics team. We suspected that UofM was fishing for an identity politics statement, and J was not biting.


Essentially, it boils down to housing in South Quad on the same floor as other Honors’ students. And Honors get their own Honors advisor.

What would be a great benefit to offer would be priority registration, outside of the few Honors courses. But that’s not the case at Michigan.

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Does michigan send any type of acceptance envelope in the mail? I havent received anything and was accepted on 3/18.

So DD has “not been admitted to the honors program” (nice way of saying rejected) but then this:

"Your application showed, however, that you are particularly strong in math and/or physics. Because of that strong background, we will allow you to take Honors Math and/or Physics courses during your first semester, should you be interested in doing so. "

Anyone else get a message like this?

  • rejected to honors program, but you can take classes in these 2 subjects? Something about honors major verses lower-division honors…

Thoughts? Super confusing.

Yes. My daughter was accepted EA in January and it took about a month, maybe a bit longer, for her snail mail to arrive. It was an acceptance letter and a certificate.

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I wondered that too, but DD22 wrote about being part of her dance community and was accepted EA to LSA. It is probably much more difficult for boys applying for COE. GL to your son, my daughter is also going elsewhere although we loved Michigan so much.