UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

FWIW, today I was told that the son of a “friend of a friend” who was waitlisted was offered a spot day before yesterday (Wednesday 4/8). However, he has to start in June. Just wanted to report some movement! NYC kid and I do not know his stats except that his sister transferred to UM as a sophomore and is there now.


I’m not surprised. CC is so small. Michigan has so many schools that if one of the schools has a spot or spots available, there’s no reason to wait until after 5/1. The earlier the better.

And I still think they “sandbagging” or "lowballed’ their acceptances, but one day, in the future, maybe in the Year 2030 when they publish their 2022-2023 CDS, we’ll actually be able to figure it out. :grinning:


You mentioned that Orientation is virtual, but new students page says orientation will have virtual and in person components.

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Was this for LSA or another school?

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I was not aware they committed to hybrid - that’s great to hear. Initially the word was virtual only and the current parents gave the administration, um, quite a bit of “animated feedback”. I hope it is a meaningful experience for kids to make some friends.

We have not had to use the Blue Crew yet but knowing they are there has given many of us out of state moms peace of mind. The UM parent community is a wonderful supportive group!

Once you know your student is going to UM you can connect with the UM parent group on Facebook.

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Anyone know if classes are still largely virtual or are teachers back in the classroom. I have been hearing from some students that many professors are opting to use a virtual format.

I have two kids enrolled and most everything for them is fully in person. My DD has one class that goes back and forth between virtual and in person. Some professors do record and post for students who prefer virtual but the recording is of an in person class session.

Everything is in person for my sophomore.

Does anyone know if it’s a bad idea for the waitlisted student to contact the AO? My daughter goes to a small Prep school in central NJ. As per the GC, it may work against her as UMich is one of those schools that doesn’t appreciate it.

All feedback is appreciated. Thank you


This is always a matter of debate. It’s probably better to have a principal reach out if their willing and have contacts. Yes this happens at other schools.

But, hopefully you settled on a great next option and get excited about that school.

We know a family who’s D21 was waitlisted last year. She reached out to the AO and sent in a LOCI and was accepted in late may. It may not benefit, but it does not hurt.


Thanks much for the feedback. She has few options but I don’t see her excited about any, hopefully the visit to admitted student sessions will change things. I hope no other kid is going through such dilemma.

Yes, LSA. I confirmed it, which is why it took me so long to reply!

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Lots of families are going through this right now. It’s always better to put your energy in what you have vs what you don’t at the moment. Have them look at clubs, activities and things that would get them excited about their next steps. If Michigan happens then it will and then you will have another decision to make. Until then concentrate on the options you have. The list was made for this reason. There really shouldn’t be any bad options if she made the list.

I can’t comment on the Winter semester (currently), my D is finished, but all her classes were in person during the Fall semester.

Our stats lab is looking at a large sample size of high school students and finding that having a 4.0 decreases your chances of acceptance to top 25 schools.


Were the slightly lower GPAs offset by strong sports or extracurriculars?

Might be due to the fact that if you can get a 4.0, the grades are likely inflated/adjusted (where you can re-test, make up work etc).

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This makes total sense. We keep hearing about how the schools are looking for well-rounded students so I would say more diverse courses, and diverse experiences weigh more. My daughter had a rough freshman year (with at least 3 B’s) and a couple of other B’s in sophomore and Junior years and she has a 100% acceptance including Harvard, GT, Case Western, and UMich. I feel bad for the students who are freaking out for earning one B in the entire High school and posting about losing all their chances to get into their dream school.