UMich Winter 2024 Transfer

Stats? And congrats we knew you would

congrats!!! do you mind sharing your stats and when you submitted your application?

international student·
56 credits

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Congrats! When you submit your application?


Not going to doxx myself but I had some personal circumstances that would have made transferring much easier on my personal life. I expressed it clearly in my app. Additionally I have a 3.99, work through school, tutor, F500 internship. I know they rejected me because I had a lot of credit, but when you change your major and still have 2 years left to graduate, the amount of credit really doesn’t matter. I expressed this so clearly but I have a feeling they didn’t even read my essays. Life goes on but man this sucks lol. Good luck everyone

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Accepted at 11 am LSA for CS advanced selection

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congrats!! do u mind sharing more in depth about ur stats and when u submitted your application?

3.6 CCgpa
50 credits
09/08 applied checklist completed either 09/14 or 09/16

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when did u apply

nvm lol

How many credit hours would y’all consider too many?

Right now, I’m a freshmen in Community College with a 3.7 GPA and 76 transferable credits with id say a good amount of rigorous courses. I’m also in-state. But I’m hearing that people r getting rejected for too many credits, so is 76 a lot?

How you have 76 credits if you are freshman?

When does the result approximately come out if I had submitted it on September 24?

I have 76 credits because in highschool I dual enrolled. I dual enrolled almost my entire highschool starting in 10th grade. And by the time I was in senior year of highschool I completed about 76 transferable credits as well as an associates. But I just wanna make sure that that’s not too much credit.

I’m thinking it should come out within the next 2 weeks

congrats! did ur withdraw button disappear?

Idk I woke up at 11 am and it was fine I got an email at 10:50 am saying it was ready

What was the last time you had the withdraw botton?

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