UMinn Carlson vs UIUC Gies Undergraduate MIS

Hello. Son accepted to both UMinn Carlson (CSOM) and UIUC Gies. He wants to major in undergraduate MIS. Both similar costs after awards. Gies is ranked #17 MIS, CSOM #6. Assuming all other factors are comparable, which school should he attend and why?

Has he visited yet? My kid visited both and liked the campuses for different reasons.

No. We are going this weekend to UMinn and UIUC Monday.


If he has a preference after the visits I’d go with that. Congrats to all!


City (UMN) vs suburban. Does he want ‘during the year’ (UMN likely more opportunity) internships or just summer etc?. how does he see the campuses, surrounding areas? Airport access (UMN better but you can fly to UIUC). Weather differences ? Both cold but UIUC less cold. Having been to both they are very different ?

One will stand out.

Then you’ll know.

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