UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Can anyone comment on the narrative assessment?

I’m leaving from Baltimore tomorrow for an interview on the 17th… anyone else?

Do any UMKC BA/MD alumni here feel, in retrospect, that the classes they took through the medical school for the MD degree prepared them well when they later had to gear up to independently study for Step 1 of the boards in Year 4 of the program??

How are the professors in teaching those classes? I know that no professor is perfect, but I noticed that overall the medical school seems to have very few basic science professors in comparison to other places: [Department</a> of Basic Medical Science](<a href=“]Department”> I realize everyone has to eventually study on their own and put in the hours necessary, but I’m mainly talking about the actually quality of classes taught.

I went to the interview, but I didn’t seem to get too many specific answers, but noted a lot of things that kind of stuck out to me.

MNQ2010 - Did you have an interview and already know you are on the waiting list? I thought the selection was not going to start until March.

I had one good interview and one poor interview, but still waiting on the results.


To keep things short, I would say overall, the basic science classes by the medical school are very poorly taught with respect to adequately preparing students for the boards and in overall quality, with one exception, Medical Microbiology, which you take in Year 3 of the program. I think overall, they are very nice people who want to genuinely help students, but don’t end up doing so. There are several factors that contribute to this, which I won’t go into detail here.

While that link you posted lists all those in the Basic Science Department only eight of those people teach medical student basic science classes. The department only teaches Biochemistry, Human Structure Function I-IV, Med Micro, and Med Neuro. Pathology and Pharmacology are taught by the UMKC pathologists and clinical PharmDs respectively, which even then don’t teach or skip content that is tested on the boards.

I know this is late but I was at the interview on the 17th too! We probably met :slight_smile:

haha i wasnt there on the 17th (i was there last month) but i found this funny :slight_smile:

Finally, decision day is almost here! It’s been a long wait.

April first is quickly approaching, meaning that acceptance/rejection letters will be mailed soon.

Once you are notified as to whether or not you have been accepted please post here. Please include information such as:

-if you are instate of out of state
-(if you have been accepted) do you plan to attend the program


Andrew Spaedy

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congrats andrew, ill know if im accepted on monday, so hopefully i will c u at UMKC, wish me luck lol

Hey freshman2010, are you instate or out of state…who told you youll find out monday if your accepted because i live in MO and havent heard anything yet and some other out of staters have already heard.

April 1st is the national deadline for colleges/universities to make admission decisions (that doesn’t mean you will know about it right on April 1st)

[University</a> of Missouri - Kansas City](<a href=“]University”> - near the bottom under Current Admissions Updates - “If you have applied to the B.A./M.D. program, all decisions regarding interviews have been sent through email or U.S. mail. For those students invited to interview, admission decisions will mail on April 1, 2010. Admission decisions will not be communicated via phone or email.”

[University</a> of Missouri - Kansas City](<a href=“]University”> - “April 1: Offers of admission are extended. Students being offered admission will be mailed an admissions packet notifying them of their acceptance to the program. Scholarship offers may also be made at this time. Students placed on the alternate list or denied to the program will also be notified at this time.”

i am instate but i won’t know till monday becuz im out of town. ill be back home on monday, so tat is wat i meant lol…

and also Breaking Dawn, wat was ur ACT score?


McKenzie Lutz

You can add me on Facebook as well

[McKenzie</a> Lutz | Facebook](<a href=“Facebook”>Redirecting...)

Congrats McKenzie, added to facebook :slight_smile:

someone in my town has already received their letter… i haven’t…what could be the issue

Received letter, totally rejected. :frowning:

sorry whataboutumkc, dont worry about it.
I still haven’t received my letter yet. I live in a suburb of St. Louis.

hey everyone…im from out of state and i got the letter today!!!
I was ACCEPTED!! yay but i dont think i will attend…good luck to the rest of you guys!!!