UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

No. Did you?

No nothing, it probably next Friday because the deadline to submit college transcripts is Jan 21.

That would leave people hardly any time to prepare for their interview if they haven’t already. The interviews are usually between February 14-17. That would be poor on their part.

Yes I agree!!

Hi everyone, not sure if this is the right college confidential thread, but I just wanted to share that I deleted my blog (sixyearmedsecrets) permanently. I got a lot of random messages from students on here over the last few years. Most of the messages have been requests for my input on whether to attend the program. I really can’t share any input like that. At this point, I’m honestly not sure if everything I share is even accurate- the school has likely made changes since I was a student. And even if they haven’t, my experiences are unique to me. I have nothing against UMKC, it just wasn’t the right program for me as an out of state student dealing with medical and personal family issues at the time. I have been reading this thread a little and I think @Roentgen is the best person to answer your questions and concerns. A lot of negativity came out of my blog and I had not intended that. @Roentgen seems to be very impartial and open to sharing everything he/she knows. Anyways, just wanted to hop on here to request that link or post on cc to the blog be deleted. Even if it’s not deleted, it won’t open to a page. It’s been three years since i withdrew and so much self growth came from it. I don’t hold anything against UMKC in any way. In fact, I still recommend this school to anyone with a strong support system, especially KCnatives.

About UMKC…
“Offers to interview will not be extended until the college transcript with fall grades has been received.”

Current UMKC freshman have to submit their first semester grades by the 20th. So I wonder if the notifications for interviews could come late tomorrow or maybe even on Thursday? Hopefully not next week. That would be so late.

Do you guys think we will get the email today?

I got nothing !

This is definitely the latest it has been

Yes, we probably still have a chance before 6pm cst

Not today I guess. Next week…

@Roentgen In past years for UMKC interview notifications, do you remember if they STRICTLY came out on Fridays? Do you think they could come out this coming Monday because it is already so late?

@speedyliv, I’m actually really surprised that UMKC interview notifications didn’t come out this Friday. I don’t think it’s necessarily strictly a specific day it comes out, necessarily, compared to past years. Have they said if they’re still doing the MMI format for interviews like they’ve done in the past few years or is that changing (due to COVID concerns this year)?

So hypothetically it could come out this Monday hopefully. And no, they haven’t said anything on the site at all. I’m just hoping that since it’s already so late for the notification, they will move the interview dates themselves back

In the past, it has been on Fridays. Specifically, the second Friday of January. Man this is really late.

Two years ago, it came out on the Wednesday before the 3rd Friday of January

Hey @Movinon123!!! Thank you for the compliments (who doesn’t like those, right?), but I think all people who have been in the program in some form (whether they stay or leave), have opinions that are valuable contributions to the overall discussion about the pros and cons of the 6 year combined program at UMKC. This is a program where applicants/students can feel a lot of times that they’re jumping head first into the deep end of the pool as a high schooler, without first seeing how deep it is (and honestly, it’s hard to even be able to determine that in advance). It’s why forums like this exist, in order to discuss the program in its totality w/o the veneer of “everything is great and perfect!” that too often happens, which can result in people not being as informed as they could be before entering the program. Thanks for visiting back! I hope that you’re doing well.

Hey @Khan11123, I think it depends on what the research is in and whether it’s science/healthcare related or not. It won’t be emphasized in the program as much as other programs (like say Brown PLME or Northwestern HPME, when it existed) because UMKC is not really a research heavy institution.

Still waiting for the interview status. Though chances are extremely low … we are out of state

Sometime this week hopefully…