
<p>I ran into Honors College Dean Shane Sharpe a few hours before kickoff at this year’s Iron Bowl. We exchanged pleasantries and he asked how my son was doing. I mentioned that he was loving 'Bama and in the process of applying for summer internships.</p>

<p>Dr. Sharpe then apologized for having let that tidbit slip his mind and said he was sorry for having been remiss in not following up more with my son. I looked at him as though he were crazy and said something to the effect of, “What in the world are you talking about? You’ve already done more for him than we ever could have expected and you’ve got a zillion other students and potential recruits on your plate. No apology needed.”</p>

<p>“No,” he replied. “I promised you a few years ago that I’d take care of your boy if he came here and that’s what I’m going to do.”</p>

<p>He then handed me his business card and asked me to have my son call him to set up an appointment to personally review his resume, go over his interview talking points, and help steer him in the right direction toward potential business internships.</p>

<p>You know that UA tag line, Touching Lives? It’s more than a slogan. This place is unbelievable.</p>

<p>Dr. Sharpe is awesome!</p>

<p>that’s awesome!</p>

<p>wish someone was helping my daughter find a summer internship! : )</p>

<p>she has a really really good prospect, but idk if it is going to work due to the ChemE summer lab. : (</p>

<p>Love It!!!</p>

<p>she has a really really good prospect, but idk if it is going to work due to the ChemE summer lab. : (</p>

<p>Yes, that summer lab kind of takes a lot of time. Frankly, once that’s over, the kids need a mental break…lol…that lab class can seem like 24/7. My son did the Costa Rica Alabama Action, then the summer lab, and then med school apps. That was about all he could do last summer.</p>

<p>Dr. Sharpe is wonderful. He met with my then high school sophomore son who had just taken the ACT and talked about all of the opportunities Bama offered. He was quite understanding when my son said he had no idea what he wanted to study in college, but sought a school with good football! Then, the two chatted about running, as my son competes in cross country and track. Bama remains one of his top choices for college.</p>

<p>Just wanted to add this: A couple of years ago, my oldest son, who is a senior at UA, called late at night. He had just returned to his dorm suite from a late dinner to find it empty. He thought that was strange, as his roommates had big exams the next day. He got a call from one roommate saying he had to rush another roommate to the hospital. I recommended that my son, who is in CBHP, telephone Jane Batson, the program’s assistant, and explain what was happening. (The roommate who drove to the hospital was also in CBHP.) Mrs. Batson called Dr. Sharpe, who went to the hospital to sit with my son’s roommate, who was quite ill, until the young man’s parents arrived. This roommate was not a CBHP student, either. </p>

<p>So, my son and his roommates were grateful for all the support they received from Dr. Sharpe.</p>

<p>Dr. Sharpe was great. He spoke with my son and I for 15 minutes before the Honors presentation at Gorgas Library. He asked my son many questions which made him feel like he was getting special attention. He gave my son his business card and told him to call or email anytime he had a question or problem.</p>

<p>In years past Dr. Sharpe has also invited OOS “strays” to his home for Thanksgiving dinner. He is one of the most giving, kind persons I’ve ever met.</p>