unc or williams?

<p>uncfan, there are certainly some large classes at UNC, just as there are at other schools, including Williams. There is not doubt class sizes at Williams would generally be small than at UNC. However, given that over 1750 of the 2500 classes taught at UNC have 30 students or less, I think your statement is somewhat off the mark. </p>

<p>You would be making a serious mistake to chose a school solely based on rankings. As has been noted, UNC and Williams are very different schools, with each having its own strengths and weaknesses. Given the differences, I think it unlikely that a student would really like both of them.</p>

<p>I haven't read everyone's responses to this thread so I hope my response isn't repetitive.</p>

<p>I picked UNC in part because I knew for sure that I would be going to law school... It's something that I've wanted for myself since I was in ninth grade. The political science program here is excellent, the people are humble and active, and the price is right. My best friend looked seriously at Williams and Amherst and ended up going to Amherst, and from what I hear from her, Williams, though filled with bright people, wasn't as socioeconomically diverse and existed in a bit of a bubble, as beautiful as that bubble may be.</p>

<p>Both are excellent schools, and I think if you have to choose between them then you have an excellent choice ahead of you - but ultimately the experiences you'll have at Williams and UNC are totally different because of the class size, the location, and the fact that it's a private school versus a public school. I think you have to visit both to figure out where you feel more comfortable, because either can offer you excellent opportunities.</p>

<p>Go to Williams. UNC is a great school with a great political science department, but Williams is a top three liberal arts school in the country! Don't let these people's ignorance of Williams deter you. I think you would really enjoy it there.</p>

<p>UNCfan, the most common class-size at UNC is 10-19 according to Princeton Review. 95% of classes have fewer than 100 students and about 70% have fewer than 30. Coming from a high school where 35-40 student classes are normal for all non-AP classes (25-30 in those), I really don't think that's "ENORMOUS," especially when you look at what classes are over 30 students (Beginning Jogging, a required PHYA class, for instance). Using rankings as evidence in an individual situation is foolhardy, especially since they don't consider economic, environmental, or specialized factors, like majors.</p>

<p>You can access UNC's course directory to see what classes are required for the major and see the enrollment in those courses. I don't know if you can do the same for Williams, but it's worth a look. </p>

<p>OP, wherever you end up, remember that you get out what you put into your education.</p>

<p>yeah seriously go to williams if you haven't decided to do so already. you will get tons of great interaction with Phds---something I never have had at unc, since every class, from my experience, that is lucky enough to be taught by a Phd has 100+ people. i'm currently looking at law schools, and i have just realized that i have no Phds/full time professors with whom i am well acquainted that can write me LORs. all of the instructors that i have had the opportunity to get know personally have been graduate students. publications and the school itself say that the student-to-faculty ratio is 14/1, but that most definitely includes graduate students, administrative workers, and perhaps even cafeteria workers! very misleading stats, IMO.</p>

<p>even though the general public may be more familiar with unc than williams, graduates schools will most definitely know both.</p>

<p>Yeah, graduate schools will know both schools, but if they see that you went to williams they will automatically associate that with excellence. Thats not to say that you can't achieve the same thing at UNC. However at williams being the number 1 liberal arts school, you will be set up for anything you want to pursue after 4 years of college, whether it be the job market or graduate school.</p>

<p>I have to agree with some of the comments above. As wonderful as UNC is, it's hard to pass up an education at Williams. I think the real advantage of prestige is the interaction available with your profs and peers. Then again, you have an enviable conflict. Good luck!</p>

<p>omg go to Williams. It fits you much better and it is a better education. you'd have more fun at UNC, but o well</p>

<p>since you want a solid liberal arts background williams would be a better choice. It is a strong liberal arts school and while UNC is great in political science, williams would suit you better.</p>

-nothing to do
-academically rigorous
-best liberal arts school in country</p>

-amazing campus
-great academics
-more opportunities
-not as rigorous
-better athletics
-more school spirit
-better weather</p>

<p>So if you want a repeat of high school got to williams and/or care significantly about reputation. However if you want to go to a great fun school pick UNC.</p>

<p>Have to agree with gijonman. If you "prefer the environment at UNC," I think you should think twice about Williams. It's small, isolated, and a fairly big party school. Hard to escape the drinking there, because it's so isolated and so small. UNC's political science department is excellent-- really solid and a top major. I have no idea why anybody would think it's "hard to pass up an education at Williams." It never even crosses most people's radar screen.</p>

<p>from what i understand i probably prefer unc and its environment... However, williams seems to offer better academics and reputation for law school and such and this being my first priority makes me prefer it. I am willing to sacrifice the 'funner' experience at unc. Right now, i plan to just go and visit williams and make sure i don't feel completely miserable there. i'm sure although it's isolated, there is still a lot to do there and the visit should help me get a better idea</p>

<p>FG13: You should check some of the archives here about partying at Williams. Just Google "party scene at Williams College," and a thread will come up from 2006-- posts from current students and alumni. Worth reviewing. The problem with very small schools (as I see it), is that there is usually one dominant culture, and it's very hard to escape or change that culture. If it's the culture you're want, then you're in luck. If not, you're **** out of luck. With a larger school, like UNC, you have many options.</p>

<p>I cannot imagine someone being interested, at once, in a small and isolated LAC, like Williams, and a large vibrant campus like UNC-- which, truth be told, will offer you so much more-- right down to more class options, both socially and academically.</p>

<p>If a small LAC is what you desire, then certainly-- you should go for it. You would be very foolish and naive to base that decision, however, on the idea that Williams will "offer better academics" than UNC, or that graduating from there will somehow be an easier route into law school. You should know that law school is highly dependent on GPA and LSAT scores, NOT on the school name. That said, for your benefit and others on this board, do not for a second think that attending UNC would somehow hurt you getting into any law school in this country. That would be a huge mistake. UNC is a large school, and students go on to very fine graduate and professional schools (including UNC's own). </p>

<p>Let me also add that at least one person on this board (and on this thread) who consistently recommends that others go with a different school, other than UNC, is currently on UNC's wait-list. UNC is his/her first choice, and it benefits that particular poster to encourage others not to accept UNC. The more people who don't accept, the closer he/she gets to the top of that wait-list. So be careful about those who post with advice. Others might have been accepted, but weren't offered scholarships they thought they deserved, so they have an ax to grind as well.</p>

<p>At any rate, all the best with your decision. Both are outstanding schools that will offer you terrific academics. The environment and financial considerations should probably give you a good/better idea of fit for you. Good luck.</p>

<p>I've got to correct the impression that Williams kids don't have fun. They do. This year College Day broadcast from Williams and the school spirit was amazing.</p>

<p>It's true that the town doesn't offer much to do, but the campus does. </p>

<p>The only problem is the kids like hanging out with friends in their entries so much they don't take advantage of all there is to do.</p>

<p>That said. S (who is at Williams) has a close friend at UNC who loves it there. They are very different schools, so I think it really depends who you are and what you want.</p>

<p>S would not be as happy at UNC. S's friend would not be as happy at Williams.</p>

<p>You can't really go wrong. Good luck!</p>

<p>FG13, you're limiting yourself. Just because UNC's ranking isn't as high as Williams doesn't mean that if you do well there and do well on your LSATs that you can't get into whatever law school you want to. Plenty of our graduates move forward to do great things, including going froward to the elite post grad schools. If that's your only reason then I don't think it's a very good one. Sorry for being so harsh.</p>

<p>if you can do honors at UNC, i would believe it is just as prestigious for law school as Williams. Either one is a great school and if you do well in college and get good LSATs you will go to a top level law school. Really just go to college for fun. And if you think you will have a better time at williams go there. If you think UNC go there. Have a friend who is going to go to University of Wisconsin over a few top 20 schools in the country. The reason is its a lot more fun and fits him better.</p>