Undeclared Major?

<p>Will saying your major is Undeclared affect your acceptance decision?</p>

<p>Depends upon the school. If they are looking for people in certain majors, then there may be a bit of flexibility on those students who are declaring that major. In most cases, people are undecided or change their minds, so it isn’t a negative. If you are leaning towards a certain area, then let them know. If it’s a small major, perhaps engineering at some schools, then you’ll need to declare it in your application to be considered. Read the information from each of the schools you are considering to get a better idea on this topic.</p>

<p>I have heard that admission standards are significantly higher/lower depending on which college you apply for eg. college of engineering vs college of letters and sciences. Certainly this would be a case by case basis and I have no idea how you would go about finding the specific info for the specific year.</p>

<p>This is completely off topic and I may be way off here but imsolidmatter, did you get your username from Bad Education by Tilly and the Wall?</p>

<p>Thank you all very much</p>

<p>and Tajamariee- why yes, I did!</p>