Undergrad Business programs?

<p>Does going to a strong Undergrad business program matter when you apply to a top b school?
While you generally get a better education and more intern opportunities going to a top undergrad program like Michigan, UVA, etc.. it's more competitive and the classes are harder to get a good GPA in.</p>

<p>Two words: grade inflation.</p>

<p>MBA programs put a lot of emphasis on GMAT score + work experience as well.</p>

<p>However, the funny thing is that you usually would need to go to a top undergrad b-school to obtain the kind of work experience they are looking for. So a top undergrad b-school is indirectly influential.</p>

<p>yeah, Ross is up there with the highest % of undergrads with internships. However, do you think the benefits would outweigh the intensified competition & rigor of classes?</p>

<p>If you’re asking for my personal opinion then I would say yes. I think it is a lot harder to get great internships/jobs out of unknown schools than it is to do really badly in the more competitive schools. You would have to do really well and far reach your network in unknown schools; you would be walking a very tight rope. But, you can at least do average in the competitive schools if you were able to get in in the first place. That’s just my own opinion btw.</p>