Undergraduate Biochemistry Major 2019 application

I am a mother of a senior from NOVA first generation Asian.
My child’s first choice of school is Virginia Tech for undergrad in Biochemistry.

I would like to get advise on -
(1) How is Virginia Tech Biochemistry program?
(2) Would early decision with Binding helps getting into the program?
(3) Based in online statistics (preschool at) my child stands at 99.78% chance. How accurate this is based on actual statistics from last year?

Your advice is greatly appreciated!

Thank you so much!

I’m not familiar with the Biochemistry program, but found this link very helpful. While it’s not yet updated for 2018 admits, you can search by college, major, etc. and see results going back several years.


I was a biochem major there in the early 90s :wink: One of very few females in the program. It was great back then and there was a lot of research and exciting things ahead that they were in to. My S19 didn’t apply to that program, but I hope to hear about what they are doing now when we are up there!