Be sure you understand what direct admit means at each university. PSU has direct admit to the business school but not the major. He cannot declare a finance major until the end of sophomore year. He must complete all required coursework by end of fourth semester and achieve a 3.5 g.p.a. in order to declare a finance major. Without the 3.5 he is not guaranteed the major even though he was a direct admit to Smeal. He would have to choose another business major with lower (3.2 g.p.a) requirements or , failing that, switch to another area of study altogether. I don’t know how it works at other universities, but it is something you should probably look into if he is set on finance…
I would encourage him to go to the school where he would be in the top 20%
thank you …We have taken note of all the comments. Some have been very helpful. We will make the final decision by early April. My S is pretty sure of what he wants to do…its just that he wanted to know which college to choose. It is a “good” dilemma.
Thanks once again.
I know others disagree, but when my son decided he was pretty sure he wanted to be a business major, we agreed he would only attend a school where he was a direct admit to the business school.
If he favors a school, but he didn’t get direct admit, it’s worth a call or email to the business program to say he’s very interested, but was admitted directly to (insert name here) and see if they might change their mind.
Good luck to your son. Let us know what he decides.