<p>Hey, I'm a high school senior looking for some good schools with great neuroscience programs that provide great research opportunities. Location does not matter, so feel free to tell me what college you have in mind. Thanks for the help!</p>
<p>Here are my stats...</p>
<p>[ *] College: ???
[ *] SAT: --
[ *] SAT IIs (if sent): --
[ *] ACT: Comp. 26, Math 31, Science 29, bad on english and reading (I know this score totally blows, I have always been terrible at stadardized tests)
[ *] unweighted GPA: 4.0 Weighted: around 4.5
[ *] Rank: top 5%
[ *] Other stats: Take all AP's and honors courses available at my school, High Honors every semester, Former Student of the Month, Scholar Athlete ... blah blah blah
[ *] Subjective (ECs, special circumstances, etc): Employed at a hospital, NHS, Student Council, Church Youth Group (have been on a few mission trips to South Dakota and Kentucky), Student Ambassador (traveled to Australia, New Zealand, England, Ireland, Wales, and Scotland), Mentor in a mentoring program, Boy Scouts (this entails a ton of community service)
[ *] State or Country: Michigan
[ *] School Type: Small but competitive public school.
[ *] Ethnicity: Caucasian
[ *] Gender: Male
[ *] major strength/weakness: Weakness - Standardized Tests
[ *] Other Factors/questions: --</p>
<p>Please let me know what you're thinking. Thanks.</p>
<p>There was a neurosurgeon on these boards that said Brown and Johns Hopkins (The legendary Dr. Ben Carson anyone?) had among the top neuroscience offerings in the country. </p>
<p>Other great programs are Harvard, Rockefeller U., UCSD, Yale, Columbia, Stanford, UCLA, UPittsburgh…</p>
<p>Friends daughter majored in neuroscience. Did research over the summer there, if not more. She loved the school and I think you’ll get in with merit $$$$$.</p>
<p>Look into University of Michigan since you are in-state. Excellent neuroscience program with excellent research opportunity (top ranked medical research program). Bring your ACT up to 28-29 and you’ll in range … given your GPA and top 5% ranking.</p>
<p>In general, if you are interested in research in the neuroscience area, look for schools with top ranked medical schools.</p>
<p>I’m an alum of MIT’s program and can attest that it is a good program with lots of research opportunity. And of course Hopkins and most of the Ivies are quite good at neuro.</p>
<p>Some others (of varying levels of competitiveness): Brandeis, Duke, Vandy, Boston University, Caltech, U of Pittsburgh, Emory, UCSD. Some of these are stronger in certain areas of neuro than others.</p>