Undergraduate research opportunities?


I’ve been trying to find what the undergraduate research opportunities are at UW Madison, but I’m having trouble finding good information online.

Can anyone help me out?


What area are you interested in?

business. maybe philosophy.

What kind of business research or philosophy research do you want to get involved with?

What types are available? I’m not sure what the options are

Undergraduate research opportunities usually have to do with the sciences - chemistry, biology, physics etc., and also engineering, arts and social sciences - that’s why I am at a loss to point you in the right direction since your intended major is business.


There are usually opportunities within the honors program, among other venues, to assist with research, whether it be a business or other major. Not sure about UW specifically but likely it’s not going to be different from other Big 10 state uni’s in this regard. Not sure if OP is asking this question in order to answer one of the essay prompts on the application or whether he/she is trying to figure out which schools to target or apply to. OP should think about areas of intellectual pursuit and figure out what kind of research sounds interesting within those areas. Only THEN does it make sense to check out the various uni’s for what they can offer.

Check out the Honors program for opportunities above and beyond the usual classes. Not all fields lend themselves to actual research- see post #5 for some that do. An L&S Honors degree in the major either requires a research thesis or some grad level classes. A math major lends itself to grad classes while chemistry is a lab science- research. Look at the courses you would take as a philosophy major, including grad level ones (700 and above). Look at what the business school offers beyond usual classes- and in specific majors within that school.

When deciding which colleges/universities you would choose (assuming you are accepted) look at the courses available and required in majors of interest plus those outside the major. Instead of doing research you may want to pursue a major and add more classes in another field. For example, if you want a business degree you can take several philosophy courses (including advanced) for the fun of it/for personal education (as opposed to doing only enough to meet breadth requirements). Use college for your education, indulge in many things. Look at what different schools offer- in more than just your intended major. Look at the depth you can explore in a field- such as being able to take courses unrelated to your major.

This is a quality UW has. Math major taking a semester course on Nietzsche (after taking the two prerequisite philosophy courses) just for the fun of it. Business major could do the same. A large U offers many courses. Also several versions of the same subject- one chemistry course does not fit all needs…