Undergraduate Research Opportunities?


I was recently accepted to Cal Poly SLO and I’m considering it. I was wondering what kind of research opportunities are available to undergraduate students, or more specifically, Computer Engineering majors like myself. Are research opportunities readily available, hard to come by, or out of reach of undergraduate students? Any interesting firsthand experiences?


It’s highly variable by department, but for the most part, UG research is uncommon. It’s because there isn’t much graduate research to tag onto. There are no doctoral programs at Cal Poly. That said, research is where many students get their hands on work. At Cal Poly, you get that through labs and clubs (look up PROVE lab, CubeSat, PolySat, SAE, etc.). It’s probably overrated unless you want to get into a PhD program.

This is gonna change big time. Cal Poly is about to become a undergraduate research powerhouse:
