Undergraduate Research Scholars

<p>Did anyone apply to URS? I submitted my application a month ago and I still haven't heard back. I sent an e-mail a few days ago and did not receive a reply. I plan to call on Monday. Did anyone else wait this long. One of my friends had to wait 3 weeks, but with the fall semester approaching I am getting nervous.</p>

<p>Yea I applied like month and a half ago and got an acceptance letter 2 weeks later. I also got an email for orientation which is this upcoming week (tuesday i think). I would call them first thing Monday.</p>

<p>Does anyone know if URS is considered a competitive program to get into? I thought my essays were decent, but even if they were not I would hope that URS would at least send me a rejection letter.</p>

<p>I applied a few months ago and got my letter about 3 weeks later. I don’t think it’s crazy competetive, but maybe all the spots are filled since you allpied kind of late.</p>

<p>Yeah, I applied in early July and received an acceptance letter after like two to three weeks, and now I received the date of my research orientation. E-mail Svetlana Karpe directly, not the URS e-mail–I don’t think they check it. I needed to switch my session date from Tuesday to Wednesday, and when I e-mailed URS no one responded, but when I e-mailed her directly I received a response the next day.</p>

<p>Thanks nonexistant I just e-mailed her. Does anyone know for sure if there is a cap on the number of students admitted?</p>