Unfair Advantages?

<p>I'm not a petty person. </p>

<p>But I work my butt of in AP classes and get mostly B's with super strict teachers who work us up to the last day of school. </p>

<p>And my best friend goes to a high school with easy teachers where they watch movies and they can re-take tests and quizzes as many times as they want and the lowest grade they can get on any assignment is a 64. Needless to say she has all A's and a couple B's.</p>

<p>We are applying to the exact same colleges. How is this fair? Do colleges look into schools policies and systems when they are looking through applications? Because everyone knows the school has a crazy unfair disadvantage.</p>

<p>It’s fair because class rank matters more than just GPA. If you have a low GPA and a very high rank, colleges will understand that you have harder grading policies at your school. Everything is relative</p>

<p>i’m in the top 15%. i havent gotten my new number yet since the new grades have yet to come out.</p>

<p>thank you. i feel slightly better.</p>

<p>The other thing to keep in mind is that colleges are aware that not all schools are created equally. Admissions people know which schools are easier and which ones prepare students. The better preparation should also show up in testing.</p>



<p>Wait for the admissions results before you get too upset.</p>

<p>Fair is what I take my kids to in the summer. Life isn’t always fair, and I think that you will realize that in the greater scheme of things, this is a relatively small inequity.</p>