I am in some deep trouble right now and I could really use your help. Of course, I have taken steps to find a solicitor that specializes in this, but I’d like some talking points for when we meet.
Several months ago, I submitted an appeal in regards to a medical incident that occurred during an overseas exam. One of the conditions for this was to submit medical evidence of my symptoms.
As I have a medical conditions, a condition of my IEA is to ensure that I have a medical practitioner with me to my exams. I had hired an individual called X, who I believed to be a RN, to do that. This is to ensure that if things go wrong, there would be someone in person who can see what happens and advocate for me.
Things did go wrong so X obliged my request to write me a note. However, X wrote it on the oversea exam centre’s office notepad, which X was not authorized to do. As a result, my appeal was not only denied, but is being referred to the University’s legal team for disciplinary action.
At the time, I did not know that X was not allowed to use the letterhead. X told me that she was in touch with the overseas exam centre, and that they had allowed her to do it. After reading my appeal rejection, I realize that is a lie.
Here are some other things that I have discovered X lied about:
-lied about actually being a RN. When I asked her for medical certification, she showed me a license. Upon further research on an online forum, I found out she is actually an unlicensed doula.
-lied about my symptoms. I lost consciousness, so I was unsure as to the exact nature of my symptoms, other than the lost consciousness. However, I asked the overseas exam centre for video footage and I found that she had over exaggerated my symptoms.
What evidence can I present to the university so they can be aware of my perspective on this? Will I be disciplined for the forgeries X did?