University fellowa app?

<p>last year during applying for UA i wasnt aware of UF program, so I didnt apply for it.
Can spring term students apply for it?am I too late?</p>

<p>Paul, University Fellows is for entering freshman only. There are many other ways to make a difference on campus through clubs.</p>

<p>Don’t I count as an entering Freshmen?</p>

<p>Yes, you are an entering frosh. Cuttlefish probably meant, Entering FALL Frosh. The program begins in the FALL of freshman year.</p>

<p>You can contact UFE and ask if you can apply for next Fall, but since you’re starting Bama this spring, the answer will likely be no.</p>

<p>And isn’t the deadline to apply today?</p>

<p>The deadline for UFE application is today. </p>

<p>I will ask the admission. Thanks☺</p>

<p>No…you need to contact UFE…not admissions.</p>

<p>Oh I did and they said no</p>