University Fellows Experience-- what's the process like?

<p>I’m planning on applying for this, and I wanted to get a rough idea of my odds. Is this the sort of program where the minimum ACT is 32, but they really only accept 35’s and 36’s? Or is this the sort of program where, once you meet the academic requirements, it’s all about personality and extra-curriculars? </p>

<p>Any personal stories or advice would be greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>One of my good friends was selected for UF this year. He had a 32 on the ACT. I made it to the second to last round with just a 30, which you can have with teacher recs. There really aren’t not enough 35 and 36’s that come to UA much less apply to this program. I would say a 32 or 33 is the most common number I heard going through the process.</p>

<p>So it’s more based on EC’s and personality? My volunteer hours are OK, but my EC’s are great, and I’d like to think my personality is good as well (unless you ask one of my ex’s.)</p>

<p>Definitely! One of the rounds is a phone interview which I found to be the hardest because you really have to shine and have what you’re saying come across as it is intended. Which is much harder without face to face interaction. I would definitely say to go for it! It’s an exciting ride and you will meet some of the smartest students attending UA even if you don’t end up a fellow.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice! It sounds like a really fun program, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed.</p>

<p>I don’t think odds enter into it. ECs and personality and community service hours and stats will only get you so far. Make sure you have what it takes in your soul to be a true servant leader and that that is what you want to become through this program.</p>

<p>Fellows is a service oriented program. Your ACT and ECs get you in the ballpark, since they know nothing about you, but they are looking for serious service oriented candidates. Stats and ECs will NOT get you through entirely. My D had a 35 ACT and was not even selected for phone interview (2 years ago). She made CBH though. She just didn’t have enough service work, in my opinion to be considered for Fellows.</p>

<p>So what exactly are they looking for for Fellows ? CBH ? Also . what other opportunities do they have for high stat ambitious students ? Thanks !</p>

<p>My D didn’t make it into Fellows but she made it into CBH.</p>

<p>Another program is Emerging Scholars. Make a new thread to ask about it. Some parents on CC have students that have been in it. My D wasn’t as you couldn’t be in it if you were in CBH. They both have a research component.</p>

<p>[Emerging</a> Scholars Program - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Emerging”></p>

<p>Fellows and CBH are two very different programs though it isn’t unusual for a student to apply to both. Fellows is oriented toward service and leadership. I understand they look at stats as a minimum threshold to apply but beyond that it is all about service, leadership, character qualities, etc. Think of them as ambassadors of the university. (Disclaimer: I don’t have a student in this program so this is just my take on it). </p>

<p>CBH is a research-oriented program. CBH seems to appeal more toward the uber-academic students who want to get involved in research. This is a highly competitive program and I would venture a guess that the average ACT/SAT score is higher than Fellows, maybe by a smidge. According to the website, my D’s entering class of 2012 had above a 33 ACT, 1480 SAT and 4.35 GPA. </p>

<p>Here is an anecdotal comment: It appears that Fellows has a much higher percentage of students involved in the Greek system. </p>

<p>Both are highly-selective, incredible programs.</p>

<p>Are there any additional scholarship $ associated with either of these programs?</p>

<p>Yes to Fellows. [Academic</a> Elite Scholarships - Types of Scholarships - Undergraduate Scholarships - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Academic”></p>

<p>BDaddy … Most of these kids are already getting Presidential or higher if they’re an NMF for example. That being said, I have heard of a few qualifying for something that I think is called Academic Elite. Others may be able to confirm the official name, but I do know that it is not guaranteed, nor is it really “tied” to either of the programs. Maybe someone with more info or history can explain what UA’s policy has been in the past for that award, but I do know that it is VERY selective and rare … among a group of students that have already been chosen for a rarified group, whether that’s UFE or CBH.</p>

<p>^^^ See there CuttleFish came through! :-)</p>

<p>During my D’s HC visit, the dean gave her the CBH app. I just can’t remember if this program came along with additional scholarship $ or if it was just a special program offered to kids with high stats. I’m sure my W and D will remember. The Prez is already a terrific and generous award, so I don’t want to sound greedy…just curious.</p>

<p>I think the Academic Elite scholarship is only available to Fellows. CBH does offer some stipends but it isn’t automatic upon acceptance.</p>

<p>true true … according to the link published above, Academic Elite is only for UFE. To my knowledge there is no extra $$$ for CBH specifically.</p>