University of Alabama employee salary database

<p>Now, you can be totally nosy regarding how much your professors make!</p>

<p>[University</a> of Alabama employee salary database |](<a href=“]University”></p>

<p>Nick Saban is a bargain at 4.1 million. And I’m dead serious.</p>

<p>Dave Dixon makes 210,000 teaching Chem 1 and 2? Not bad…</p>

<p>^ Wow, professorial salaries must have skyrocketed. When DH earned his oh-so-marketable doctorate in Byzantine history, back during the early '80s, it was not unusual to see several thousand desperate young candidates compete for a tenure-track history-faculty opening paying $19K-$21K per year. And most openings were non-tenure-track and paid even less. But that was then, this is now. Plus, history and chemistry are two completely different animals. Still…eye-opening , to put it mildly.</p>

<p>UPDATE: OK, just checked DS’s profs’ salaries, Scratch what I just wrote. Historians are still underpaid! Guess I’m glad I went into advertising, LOL.</p>

<p>The bigger bucks sometimes comes from a position being an endowed chair.</p>

<p>Dr. Sharpe makes $196k. Considering all the work he does, that is very reasonable. The professor for my Economics of Terrorism class makes $224k.</p>

<p>Since many professors in the hard sciences, engineering, and business could easily make a lot of money working in industry, they are paid more than other professors. In addition to their UA salaries, many professors in these subjects will also do consulting and earn more money from that.</p>

<p>Psssh I’m surprised Dr. Sharpe doesn’t make more. Like Saban, Dr. Sharpe is a bargain at his salary considering all the work he does. My engineering profs are making about what I would expect, and I know that they do make money from consulting on the side. Some probably make their salary over again, or something close to it. Makes me want to be a professor :)</p>

<p>Yes, most profs are making money on the side…writing books, consulting, etc. </p>

<p>Yes, those who could be earning more money in the private sectors are paid more…that’s what those endowed chairs are for. Private entities pay Bama to supplement those people’s salaries…that’s why the top profs in the B-school, law school, etc have such high salaries.</p>

<p>Yes…Dr. Sharpe is a bargain. They could pay him twice that and he’d earn every penny. That man works 24/7.</p>

<p>I fully expected to see an entry under “M2CK” for $4.2 million, but guess it was an “accidental on purpose” omission so as to not upset Saban. Even at that, she would be grossly underpaid.</p>

<p>BTW, I love how Mike Shula’s job title is listed as “Liquidated Damages”- it seems fitting. </p>

<p>(Yes, I realize it’s an accounting term)</p>

<p>MAB…lol…more like 4.2 cents</p>

<p>Yeah it’s crazy that Shula is getting an annual salary of several hundred thousand. He’s been gone since 2006…when does it end? </p>

<p>Since Shula’s payout is essentially part of the “Saban Purchase,” that means that getting Saban was an even more expensive endeavor.</p>

<p>Check out the art and music profs., cautionary tale as to how even at a solid job in their profession are woefully underpaid.</p>


<p>Go there. A lot more can be found.</p>