University of Alabama ranking drops to No. 153 in 2020 U.S. News college rankings - what now?

I actually typed out a point-by-point factual response, then erased it, since I don’t want my account to be “frozen.” But some of your facts are incorrect. 'Nuff said.

On the topic of obesity, join us on the Diet & Fitness thread, but I’ve certainly addressed the topic elsewhere on this forum numerous times, including this most recent post on an “Carbon Neutral” thread.

Finally, as I said elsewhere on this site, if I’m a parent of a Class of 2026 or beyond, I’d stay far away from any school in Alabama OR TO ANY STATE where there’s a severe Covid crisis (e.g., no or low hospital beds available), until Covid is under control or gone.

Bottom line: Wear a mask, get vaccinated, socially distance, wash your hands, sanitize surfaces, etc. Works for my family. If your state doesn’t favor those measures, then it’s out of my college list. Thankfully, D21 is my last and she’s now a freshman at a school here in CA, where masks and Covid vaccination (including MenB and several other immunizations) are required.