University of Arizona Class of 2026

Thank you for sharing! I’ll PM you for more questions! :wink:

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Did anyone get additional merit after acceptance?

Another $1000 for HS rigor, but it was just for 1 year.


Was that $1000 this year or a prior year?

2021, we were notified in February

Last time I checked, Arizona is no longer offering the $1000 Dean’s Scholarship…

It looks like they changed their scholarship amounts for 2023.

My Daughter got into U of AZ in Eller Business school and got Honors program as well. This is for Fall of 2023. Does anyone know how is Eller school compared to Texas A & M Mays school or Jindal school of business in UT Dallas?

did she just hear today about honors? hoping my daughter gets that as well…UA looks like a nice place with or without honors.

actually- she got into Honors College. Poly Sci major.

I know so little about it. Really hoping to learn more about it from people to know how good an option it is. We are in NJ so we haven’t visited and it won’t be easy to…

Mine was just accepted honors as well. From midwest so it’s far away…

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@Melhope we are having the same issue from CA to Michigan! I feel your pain. But congrats to your C23.

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Congrats! Eller is highly regarded and with a new dean its been rising in the rankings.
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Thats an interesting list. I guess we have to take these lists with a grain of salt! McCombs at UT Austin is listed at 86th rank and is well below Mays and Eller etc. I think that is a joke. Some of these may use some criteria which we are not aware of. Many in the list makes sense, but I don’t know how accurate is the ranking itself.

@billythegoldfish Our daughters must have applied to all the same places I feel like I see you everywhere! We are NJ/ NY east coasters but now live in Ohio. So far mine is accepted PSU, Upitt, U Del, Indiana U, ASU (waiting on Barrett) and Franke Honors U of A. Still waiting on OSU, U Maryland, Wisconsin, UConn and Rutgers.Science major. We did make it to U of A last spring to tour.

yes to many of those, not all!
Arizona, Maryland, Pitt, Ohio State. She left off Wisconsin, Rutgers, Indiana, PSU, and Del. Looking for a more urban environment and a warmer climate, so she went with places like UF, FSU, UGA instead.
I lived in Pittsburgh and was at UPMC from 1997-2001. Love it there. Kinda pulling for it but it’s prob too cold for her. She would choose UGA if it came down to these, I think.

The tough question is whether to choose the “more prestigious” one like UGA, or the less prestigious like Arizona but with honors college. Like how much does honors move the needle?

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Yes we shouldn’t just go by rankings, but they do give a fair indication of where the school stands with respect to its peers…

All rankings are extremely subjective and should not be used as criteria. All of our students are different and it doesn’t mean a perceived higher-ranked program is better for an individual than a lower-placed one. Also remember the perception of the type of student coming out of certain programs can also hinder their job search.