University of Colorado Boulder EA for Fall 2023

Thanks, just referring to our situation.

Iā€™m already planning my tailgates for the first two home games. Nebraska and CSUā€”it doesnā€™t get any better!


Wondering if any parents of current Boulder students, or any current students on this thread can speak to any drug issues on campus? I have 2 older girls at other universities so I understand drugs are everywhere, but Boulder seems to stand out in some forums for having problems with pills and cocaine.

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Yes, you have to buy the whole season and there is a student section (general admission to that section). Back in the olden days when I went, students with season tickets (which were a punch card so you couldnā€™t sell any one ticket) you could buy a ā€˜dateā€™ ticket for an individual game but not sure how that works now. I have several friends with season tickets and they can request to buy single game tickets for any game but those tickets are not with the season tickets. I think students can also add basketball to their season football tickets for a small amount ($20?) and basketball is really fun too.

Student section is in the lower left, sort of where the ā€˜Cā€™ is and swings around to about the 20 yard line. They often give them all game shirts to the whole section is the same color.

Folsum field is much much smaller than the Big House at Michigan or the checkerboard at Tennessee. It holds just under 50k. But we have a buffalo! Run Ralphie Run.

Great info. Yeah, its frustrating for our son at Tennessee that the students section is 18k in a 105k seat stadium. He was only able to go to half the games in the student section. Canā€™t wait to see our first game in Folsum! Coming from Maryland.

We have to remember that college admissions offices have been doing this a long time and have lots of general data to understand the likelihood of student X coming to their school unless something very specific points out definitive interest. And their focus can change year to year depending on how many students they want to/need to attract to certain programs, etc. Going TO has changed a lot in this process as well too for many schools.

Iā€™d love to hear more about this as well. Rumor or concerning reality?

If you received a secondary letter that is titled ā€œTop Scholarā€, what is the significance of that? It only states welcome to the Leeds Business School Honors Program. Ive read where some believe this to be Merit money, but there is no mention of that in the letter. Just looking for some clarification from anyone in the know. Thank you. Congrats to all that have been accepted thus far!

DSā€™s top scholar letter included both scholarship information and an honors invitation.


Ohh okā€¦ Looks like no merit then. Thanks for response and congrats to your DS!

Please clarify - did your child FIRST get just the acceptance letter with no mention of a merit award, and then LATER got a 2nd letter to notify about the honors invitation and merit aid? If so, how far apart in time were the two letters received? When I called the admissions office on Monday morning, I was told that notification of all merit scholarships had been made WITH the acceptance emails. What you described seems to contradict that. Thanks!!

So the merit letters are at the bottom of the acceptance letters. They are a hyperlink that when you click on it it will take you to another letter for the merit.

So not in the acceptance letter but noted at very bottom of the acceptance letter screen. So 2 different letters, but within each other.

Thank you, and I understand that - but now we are seeing some posts that suggest a separately sent second letter that came later - NOT within the first acceptance letter. I am asking for clarification about that, because that would be contrary to what I was told.

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@Twins2023 is correct. DSā€™s top scholar letter with both merit and honors information was a hyperlink at the bottom of his acceptance letter. It was received at the same time as the acceptance.

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Thank you!

Does getting the Presidential Scholarship give the students priority registration? Thanks for any info because that is a really great option if that is the case

My daughter was only checking her emails and no mention of aid in her admission letter from Leeds. Today when we logged into the university application status portal we found there was a hyperlink to her merit offer there. Pres scholarship 55k over 4 years for OOS. GPA 3.9, decent extra c, summer job, volunteering, dance team, DECA.


My D got in for CS. How is Boulder for CS? Heard good thing about the school. No news on aid , bus she received good scholarship from Seattle U. So weā€™ll see, we are from California, also waiting for other California schools

My son graduated in 2021 and applied to a number of UC schools for CS and got rejected by all (despite good grades and strong extracurriculars). He considered CU, but was thinking of Utah (since they have a good video game design program), but eventually chose Concordia University in Montreal because they have an amazing game programs/internships with loads of Gaming companies there. Good luck with the rest of the schools and congrats on CU Aero!

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There are two programs, one in the engineering school (a BS) and one in arts and sciences (BA). The requirements are per the school granting the degree.

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