University of Miami 2021 Early Action Thread

Thank you I’ll have her check.

I am FREAKING out!!! I just wanna know

Are they releasing these by the hour? Im in TN and still nothing. Im not sure what to think?

@sliz191 go to cane link, student center, then communications in the right hand side. it will say 2 communications and then next to “decision mailed” it will say view/download. click on that, and if its not coming up, allow popups

at this point I’m hoping for a defer

Not a single person has gotten an email yet…?

I’m from North NJ and I was accepted EA!

3.45 UW GPA/32 ACT/a ton of extracurriculars

Im so anxiousss

@OldCheermomDC it says pending messages, completed and completed communications?

So no one from CA?

Does anyone know how long until the decision will arrive in the mail? I know I could check on the website, but I’d rather have it be physical.

Does anyone know if these are being released by the hour?

When is the next wave coming out?


Is there a GroupMe?

I’m from CA and I got in

She got In. Thanks for the additional info.

Financial Aid Award are now coming in Email and under Communication. Not sure if these are Complete Awards or more will Follow.


GPA: 4.7
SAT: 1340/1600
South Florida

yes there’s a groupme! join the facebook group and it’s the first post.