University of Miami Class of 2019 EA Results Only

@ANSims, Florida has a 46% acceptance rate and UM has a 40% acceptance rate.

@Cshecmia Web site says top presidential is $28,000 but I have not seen anyone get that yet. The top $ I have seen is $26,000 on this message board …

@nickhart‌ The website said 30k max a month ago. They’ve lowered it on us. I have a feeling 26k is the true maximum now.


thanks! @lenny2

Decision: Accepted

Applied to which school/college: Biomedical Engineering

SAT I (breakdown): 700 M, 690 CR, 640 W (did not submit)
ACT: 32 (submitted)
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.96
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): N/A
AP (place score in parenthesis): APUSH (5), AP Literature (5), AP Studio Art (5), AP Chinese (5)
IB (place score in parenthesis): N/A
Senior Year Course Load: AP Calculus BC, AP Composition, AP Comparative Gov., AP Physics C, Anatomy, Biotechnology
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): N/A


Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis):
Volunteer/Community service: Habitat For Humanity (President, Co-founder), Hospital Volunteer, Red Cross Member, Children’s Science Museum Volunteer
Essays (rating 1-10, details): I’m not so sure how accurate my rating would be. I submitted it thinking it was the best it could be, (hopefully) like everyone else.
Recommendations (rating 1-10, details): Unsure


State (if domestic applicant): Hawaii
School Type: Private
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Gender: Female
Income Bracket: >100,000
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): URM


Strengths: Test scores, GPA
Weaknesses: Little interest in school
Why you think you were accepted/deferred/rejected: Overall strength in application
Where else were you accepted/deferred/rejected: Accepted: Cal Poly, UNM, UCSD, Northeastern, Eckerd

Was accepted to UM EA but just committed this weekend so I thought I’d post my stats.

Decision: Accepted

Applied to which school/college: Business Administration (Economics)

SAT I (breakdown): CR 690 M 700 W 650
ACT: 33 (33,33,31,35)
SAT II: Bio-E 680, US 750, World 730, Math2 680
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.8
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 16 of 561
AP (place score in parenthesis): Took 10 AP Courses. In the 6 exams I took in freshman-junior year I got all 5s and a 4 in Biology
Senior Year Course Load: 4 AP Courses, 1 Dual Enrolled, 2 Business Courses


Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): DECA (2 Year President, State Officer) NHS (Vice President)
Job/Work Experience: Worked 2 jobs since freshman year
Volunteer/Community service: Started my own community service project that helps mentally challenged foster children where we helped build facilities in foster homes. Volunteer through city teen organization.
Summer Activities: Work every summer
Essays (rating 1-10, details): wrote a unique essay that was well received by trusted readers and professional help (8/10)
Recommendations (rating 1-10, details):

Teacher Rec #1: 8/10
Teacher Rec #2: 10/10
Counselor Rec: 9/10
Additional Rec: N/A
Interview: N/A


State (if domestic applicant): FL
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Male
Income Bracket: $70,000
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): First generation college student. Have worked extensively in business and economics which is what I plan to major in.


Strengths: First generation, test scores, course rigor, recommendations, business focus.
Weaknesses: GPA, no diversity.
Why you think you were accepted/deferred/rejected: UM is very generous to students from my school but few go because I live only about an hour away.

Same story here :confused:

I just looked… Rejected

2030 SAT
(700M) (660 W) (670 CR)
3.5 UW

This thread is from last year so dont post on this thread.

Decision: Rejected

Applied to which school/college: Arts and Sciences

SAT I: 1900, 610-CR 650-M 640-W
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): School does not give GPA’s
Rank: No ranks
AP: AP English Language and Composition, AP Environmental Science, AP 3D Studio Art
Senior Year Course Load: AP English Language and Composition, AP Environmental Science, French Speaking World, Calculus, Psychology, AP 3D Studio Art

Extracurriculars: - President of Reach Out and Read Club, Vice President of Habitat for Humanity, Member of Model UN, Run track, Play tennis, Vice President of the Spirit Club, Vice President of GOPiNK, Ambassador for Teens for the Cure, Senator of Backyard Sports
Volunteer/Community service: Built butterfly homes in Costa Rica, All of the clubs listed above are service
Summer Activities: Internships all three summers at prestigious communications offices in NYC
Essays (rating 1-10, details): 10

Recommendations (rating 1-10, details): Honestly all 10
Teacher Rec #1: French Teacher that I formed an incredible connection with. Let me read the rec, it was amazing.
Teacher Rec #2: Math Teacher that I loved. Let me read the rec, it was also amazing.
Counselor Rec: Amazing counselor, formed an incredible bond, great rec.

State (if domestic applicant): CT
Country (if international applicant): US
School Type: Private
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Female
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.):

Strengths: Rigor, ESSAY, activities
Weaknesses: My GPA and scores could have been better
Why you think you were accepted/deferred/rejected: No clue honestly
Where else were you accepted/deferred/rejected: Deferred at the University of Michigan, Tulane University, and Southern Methodist University