University of Miami EA Class of 2025

If I got defer then i didn’t get the scholarship?

Daughter accepted. Did they send info about merit?

Accepted to Frost!!


Deferred here - 3.67/3.84, 1420SAT, good ECs and recos

Can people please post their stats, major along with Deferred/Accepted reply?


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Correct :-(. If deferred, that means no scholarship.
Just to confirm, did you all get a notifying email? Nephew applied and I have to wait to hear from him/his mother.

Okay imma cry now


D deferred. WGPA 4.6 UWGPA 3.6, ACT31, 9APs, 3 DEs, good EC’s/leadership/recall; 3 yr varsity athlete at a big school.

accepted into honors program with presidential scholarship!! (didn’t get a notification for scholarships beforehand so this is a surprise)

gpa: 3.88 UW
sat: 1400
good essay maybe?
good ec’s
accepted to herbert business school and i go to a vocational hs majoring in business
state: nj


My D didn’t have first semester grades available, they mentioned she had everything else but that. Did anyone else’s say that if you were deferred? Her first semester grades come out next week.

Email about the scholarship or the results? There was no email about the results

(didn’t submit IDOC forms requested on time)
3.7 uw 4.35 w
top 5% in class rank
lots of EC and strong essay
test optional

I’m just so pissed that they yield protected. What a joke


Is that why everyone got deferred?

If you were a scholarship nominee were you deferred or accepted?

what does that mean lmao

Yes they basically deferred you if you were “too good” to go to the school since they know you are using them as a safety and think if you really care you’ll EDII. Tulane does the same thing.

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Only super high rated kids who were scholarship selected got in

I got deferred and Miami is my top school rip

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Did u have really good stats? And express a lot of interest.

Of those of you deferred, were you offered the option to go ED2?