University of Miami Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

What is the benefit of withdrawing? Why not just wait and see? Is it a matter of making another decision and moving on?

DId anyone actually get in? Starting to feel like they only want the sure bets with ED applicants and even high stats applicants are being deferred for yield protection.


If you donā€™t have interest in the school it gives someone else an opportunity


Got it. Thanks!

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Daughter accepted pre-med (Biology) with Caneā€™s Scholarship.
4.0/4.54 GPA
No Test Scores
26 Dual Credit Courses on Campus at local University
500 hours community service over four years
4 years varsity basketball
2 year Team Captain
2 years part-time work experience
Internship at local hospital
Multiple Clubs


Accepted with two scholarships!


Denied. Thank you for ripping the band-aid off and not making us wait until April for the small chance of acceptance.

Congratulations to everyone accepted!

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S23 Accepted to Business progam and Honors College with Presidential Scholarship.
Stats: 1580/4.0 UW; 10 APS; national awards, FBLA awards, focused ECs with progression, internship 2 years (paid); created bilingual social impact prg; hook: URM


Well my husband is a professor. Last year my daughter was deferred with the option of ED2 or RD. She heard the next day she got into the school that was her top choice and responded no. So not a list but no to the ED2 or RD pool. We also are pretty sure she would have gotten in if she had given a yes. We also know that a lot got deferred and do eventually get in. Most the seem to get in EA are with scholarships. My son got in EA in 2020 but that is before covid. Itā€™s a different world now. As an fyi my daughter had the better stats. We donā€™t qualify for scholarships in general because tuition is already covered by UM for faculty kids.

The WL on the other hand has very little movement at all.


Congrats! My daughters were admitted as well. Can i ask what is ā€œhook: URM?ā€


accepted to the school of business for management! no scholarship with acceptance but super psyched!!


Accepted with Presidential Scholarship. Biology, OOS, 1420 submitted, 3.9/4.3 W, 8 APā€™s, Eagle Scout, other ECā€™s/leadership, two sports (JV), band, job shadowing. Invited to Health Professions Mentoring Program. Surprised but very happy!


Accepted for biochemistry and molecular biology! Also got Presidentā€™s scholarship, and invited to honors program and PRISM. Said nothing about Stamps finalist status, seems that I didnā€™t get it. Stats are 102.7W (school doesnā€™t do 4.0 scale), 35 ACT, 1 AP but lots of dual enrollment through SUPA and my CC, ecā€™s include varsity ski and tennis, student gov, several music activities, service, etc. Already knew I was accepted since I was named a semifinalist for stamps back in dec but excited to get the official letter!


What are next steps with Health Prof Mentoring Program? Or are you officially in the program now?

Accepted with Presidentā€™s scholarship!!!

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Stats please

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We are not sure. They changed the program this year. You used to have to apply when you applied to the college. But this year they only invited you after acceptance. The letter just says he is ā€œinvitedā€ to join. So I guess we will find out next steps.


Accepted into Frost! Does anyone know if kids get Merit awards/scholarship in Frost? Heā€™s also been invited to the Foote Fellows program also, and has high stats, but got no merit. Curious if anyone in same boat. Thanks!

Thatā€™s fantastic and such a wonderful program. Good luck with the rest of the process.

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D was accepted with Singer Scholarship and Foote Fellows!
4.0/5.2/1540. No rank.
Major: Marine Science/Microbiology & Immunology
Super proud and excited for her!