University of Michigan - Ann Arbor

<p>Hi, I am interested in the pre-business program (undergrad) in University of Michigan. According to the rankings, UMich is the 3rd for business, which means it rly has a strong business program. So I was wondering if the standards for pre-business are relatively high compared to the other schools in UMich. Are really high scores required for this particular school, or are the standards the same for the other school in UMich?</p>

<p>any ideas???</p>

<p>There are 2 ways to get into the program. The first is to apply preferred admission as a high school student. The average GPA and SAT was a 3.8 and a 1419 (old). If you don't get in, you apply during your freshman year. The average GPA is a 3.6. 97% of the students accepted as transfers into the program are from other colleges in Michigan (ex. LSA, Engineering, Kinesiology, Nursing, etc.)</p>

<p>Pre-business program is not the major but the just program. At first, you apply one major school which is related with business and then if you enter the school, you can join that program with your original major.
To summarize, pre-business program is a program that help you what kinds of courses you have to take to get into business-graduate school, etc. (like advisor program)</p>