University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Very much appreciate your reply. Your right, I cannot be complacent. For your question, I have a 4.0 UW and 1540.

Well I think it’s semantics –

there is a deferred decision and then there’s a deferred acceptance so it’s really how it’s used but deferral does mean the same thing as postponement in this context :wink:

I can’t remember the course, if it was a freshman weeder Math or Biology class, but the first test out right of the gate my D got a 64. Her friend, hailing from one of Chicago area’s finest HS’s, got a 28. Whoo boy! Welcome to the New World.

Honors? Nah.



BTW - get into study groups right away. In engineering they did it anyway. Go it your professors office hours even if you think you know the material. Use the math /science help labs, use the writing services. Go to your TA sessions… Once the first quiz and tests come in see where you are at. Seriously, after the first 2 quizzes people were leaving and dropping their classes. Changing majors etc…

You will be fine but at least you know… Good Luck.

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Remember, there are only 6 days in a week at Michigan.

From early Saturday morning for pregame to the postgame evening, you’ll be celebrating with 111,000 of your best buddies. Hopefully!


is umich worth 100k in loans if i plan on going to med school

My son worked Sunday (first as a ump and referee for intramural), so after the games he actually sometimes went back to study… His Sundays were shot… He worked and has flag football at 10:30 pm…

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NO WAY… No school is. For Med school it’s all about the GPA and mcat. Go somewhere that you can go to at a low cost and do really well. Med schools not cheap.


Took words out of my mouth there. I’d add to that if someone needs 100k in undergrad loans to go to medical school, then they most likely also need medical school loans which will be at least triple or quadruple that. 25+ years ago my husband at the time’s loans were 1/4 million from a top medical school, so I cannot imagine what that school costs today. Fortunately he had half scholarship to college and graduated early. It’s a long road and at that rate, you’ll be 50 before you’re done paying them off. Also the future of medicine in the US is unknown as costs go up. Go to a decent undergrad school where you don’t need loans like that, get great grades, and get into a good med school and do it that way.


Thank you! Best of luck for you.

only considering how much it would cost and not how hard mich is, you still don’t think it’s worth it?

There’s a very, very short list of undergrad schools that I’d consider getting a $100,000 in loans to attend.

Here’s that list from my West Coast perspective: Stanford. :wink:

So is it true that overqualified students are deferred/rejected? People seem to regard it as the truth here.

haha ille just keep my fingers crossed for a good fin aid package

i think so yes but its weird because it’s considered a pretty top school by a lot of people

A lot of overqualified students are accepted too. Look back through the posted stats. Remember stats of instate applicants skew lower than those of OOS applicants.


If your of unlimited means then you can afford it. If not how are you getting the loans? You can only take out $27,500 /4 years. Who’s taking the rest out?

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MIT. Those are my top 2

private loans
