University of Pittsburgh Class of 2026 Official Discussion Thread

For those whose kids submitted their housing application and paid the deposit already, are they able to get in to edit through the link to make changes?
It pops up an error for my kid, but they can go into the original application, make changes, and resubmit the application a second time. I wonder if there’s a bug right now. I know you are supposed to be able to edit it through June 1, so right now they have kind of generic answers in there.

My daughter qualified for the pell grant and the match. I’m really surprised there are that few Pell grant students at Pitt. (I wish Penn State would copy Pitt) It was huge for us, made Pitt way more affordable than several other schools she was looking at and probably the deciding factor for why she chose Pitt. She applied super late to Pitt (it was a last minute decision) and missed out on the opportunity for other merit aid, so the Pell match was a big deal. She actually just found out last week that due to her grades first semester and our EFC that they gave her a very nice additional merit scholarship. This was a really big surprise and in fact the only reason she knew was because they sent her an updated financial aid letter. She just met with the financial aid office and they explained to her why she qualified. For our family this is huge as it covers her entire cost of attendance when combined with the pell match. So, it is possible to get additional merit aid even after freshman year. I had always assumed that the financial aid office typically wouldn’t go back and add merit to current students, but for us it makes a big difference.



Yes. My daughter completed hers over a week ago, and the “update your preferences” button says you do not have access to this… and she can still go in and edit the existing application even though it’s been submitted I think twice now. Thinking that may be to update after 6/1?


Ok thank you! I was worried it was just us :slightly_smiling_face:

My DD just committed tonight! I’m so excited! If anyone has a daughter in the honors college hoping to live in Sutherland who’s looking for a roommate, let me know, and maybe we can connect them!


My daughter is looking!

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I’ll private message you on here!

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Hi, I’m a current freshman at pitt in honors, and I have to say that it really doesn’t matter. I do live in the honors llc, and while I have met many good friends there it can be very stressful living around so many high achieving students. You can still take honors classes even if you’re not in the honors college, and you can still apply to many honors research fellowships too. You can also graduate with honors in your department, which is completely separate form the honors college.


That was very helpful! Thanks so much. It is great that Pitt has so many opportunities to participate in honors stuff. My oldest child’s school, a public university similar in size to Pitt, works very differently - the door slams shut if you don’t get in first year.

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Is it comparing yourself to others that makes it stressful? Is there pressure to take lots of honors courses? Are students taking 18 credits each semester and if you don’t is it looked down upon in an unspoken way? Would love to know your perspective. Thanks.

How long does it take after the status is changed to complete for the decision to be available?

Here’s a (possibly strange) question. We’re from “outside of Philadelphia” (OoP) and my kid is looking for a place that lets him escape the OoP culture. I know that there are many OoP-ers at Pitt, but is there enough of a mix there so that it feels substantially different? Don’t get me wrong, we like many things about our area, but have noticed that OoP-ers tend to be very proud of their roots and like to bring their thing to other places rather than adapt to and embrace the cultures of other places. I realize this sounds horrible (and totally over-generalizes a very large and diverse region), but it’s definitely something my kid’s thinking about.

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My son is a junior. We are from MA, one of his roommates is from Pittsburgh and the other is from the Rochester NY area. He definitely has friends from Philly but they don’t dominate the social scene if that’s what you are asking. I think there are many more from the Pittsburgh area than the Philly area. My kid is amused by the WaWa vs Sheetz rivalry.


We are also OoP and this is why my kid refused to apply to Penn State. I’m not saying I agreed, but I respected his decision. However, after visiting Pitt twice and talking with current students, he views it as an eclectic mix and I agree. The school just has this vibe that is unlike so many other of our regional universities.
When we visited other schools that a lot of OoP students attend, it just seemed like more of the same to him, regardless of size.


WaWa obviously :wink:


Story is similar to Leigh’s. Also from outside of Philly. Daughter also refused to apply to Penn State lol. Our public high school usually sends only about 3% of the graduating class to Pitt. Far more kids go to Penn State or local state colleges (West Chester, Kutztown, etc.)

She was hesitant about the “Philly” feel, too, but the campus visit really squashed those concerns. Because the campus is so integrated with the city it really feels “Pittsburgh” in a way it might not if the campus were more set apart (like CMU). Basically the interactions with residents plus the fact that CMU is a true national university mitigates against the formation of a strong Philly clique or a Philly feel.

You Wawa people are hopeless.


are there still any people left to get a decision? like a reject, accept, waitlist? I was wondering when is the earliest the waitlist’s can hear …i believe it’s when all decisions are given out so offer acceptances start flowing in simultaneously to make space for waitlists

D22 came home 2x last week on different days to tell me that 1 friend who applied in the fall (Oct or Nov, she wasn’t sure), was just accepted. This friend had called and emailed admissions (in Feb. or March or both, my D wasn’t sure) to follow up and see if anything was missing from her application, and it was confirmed that her application was complete.

Another friend whose parent is a professor at main campus was accepted to Pitt Greensburg instead of the main campus. This friend applied in early January. Not waitlisted at main campus, but branched. The professors and staff at Pitt get an employee benefit of full tuition for themselves or children, so this was a blow. I don’t think the student realized how late she was applying. This student also thought in the fall that they might be taking a gap year.

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it’s good that a student who applied in jan already got their decision.I believe deadline to apply was Feb 1 which means almost everyone has got their decision by now . I’m a waitlisted student. I guess my wait for a final decision is nearing an end.

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