University of Pittsburgh Class of 2026 Official Discussion Thread

I’m on that FB page and it is legit. Over 1000 members - lots of good information.

Ok thanks! So there’s not a generic parents page? Was hoping to also learn from the parents of kids already there. Thanks!

Thanks, that sounds like the page I’m looking for with parents of various years together. But I’m nervous about joining a group that’s run by this outside company. Might join anyway. Thanks!

The 2026 one is being started by a parent of the 2025 group. There are pages for each class. I found that oftentimes parents of older students were the admins on our page. If you have questions they can often get you the answer. They also have lots of great files of pictures of dorm rooms if you get to that point. I do understand wanting a multi year perspective as well. If you have other questions, I’m happy to share anything that I have learned in the last year.

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@aheltzel I’m in that group too and it is incredible! And I’m spoiled because of it as my class of ‘26 student’s Facebook group for his school (not Pitt) is just not.

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Wow that’s amazing thank you! Okay I’ll join but if you don’t mind I’m going to ask questions here on CC but I’ll start another thread so it doesn’t get lost in this 2026 Decisions thread and others can more easily find and read it!


I agree, it has really helped me. Many of us are first time college parents and I have really learned a lot. An added bonus is that it gives my daughter and her friends something to laugh about because they know when all the parents learn the same thing on Facebook because the kids all hear about it at the same time.


Just sharing the news…

Thanks for this, I had not heard

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Hi Friends, hoping things are falling into place for the kids. Wanted to tell you that the Pitt Band is having another Zoom informational call next week. I believe it’s on April 13, but check the website if interested.


The “Pitt Class of 2026 - Parents” page is run by a for-profit called Humans of University. This is not the parent run group.

Pitt Parents Class of 2026 was started by an actual parent. Unfortunately it looks like most parents have joined the for-profit one. For Class of 2025 we have 2 K people in the parent run group.

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I’m not in either yet, but I don’t even see one named “ Pitt Parents Class of 2026” as an option.
I do see “ Pitt Parents Class of 2025”, though

I can no longer find that group. I was a member, but it seems to have disappeared.

I just joined a group “Pitt Parents Class of 2026” on Facebook. It is a private group that was just started and is run by a parent moderator rather than an outside group.

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How is it for profit if it’s free to join?

It’s set up by a marketing company, and they are data mining. So it’s free to members of the group, just be aware that the Humans of University has set up parent pages for tons of colleges for the purpose of data mining. I was in two while my D was deciding between Pitt and IU and I saw identical posts in each group (by “different” users). Word for word — “my child’s dream school is quickly becoming my financial nightmare.” My guess was that they were posting hot topics to get engagement. Another recent one was “other than Kelley, what majors are your students pursuing?” Which again felt very much like a post that was about data mining. Not a big deal, IMO, but it’s good to be aware.


Jeez! Thanks. I had no idea.

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Does anyone know how common and/or easy it is for Pitt students to take classes at Carnegie Mellon? I know it’s an option if the course is not offered at Pitt, but I don’t have a sense for how many students take advantage of this, or if it’s a scheduling nightmare, etc.

My S19 has taken credits at CMU. It was not a nightmare, super easy to do. There is a form you fill out and have to get a couple of signatures. My son’s classes were in the music dept. and held in the evening which did not conflict with his schedule.


My daughter is also in the Pitt Marching Band. What instrument does your daughter play? Mine plays Alto Sax.

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My D22 plays the trumpet. Shes working on her audition and will submit it soon.