University of Pittsburgh Class of 2026 Official Discussion Thread

You only get credit for both Lit & Comp if you score a 7 on the English IB exam (which is tough).

A 5 or 6 on the IB exam exempts you from the Lit req but not the Comp req.

A 5 on AP Lit or AP Lang (plus a 660 verbal) exempts you from the Comp req but not the Lit req.

A 4+ on AP Lit or AP Lang also gives you 3 English department elective credits.

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Thank you for this, @colonelmike64. Strange that a 5 in AP Lit doesn’t get you out of Pitt Lit! At least my D enjoys literature so she’ll probably love the class.

I have an older child at Ohio State, and they gave her credit for 3s on the AP tests. That was a nice surprise!

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Yeah, I also find that strange. But you still get 6 credits for scoring a 5 on one exam which is pretty cool. And Pitt has a wealth of options across a variety of departments to meet the Lit gen ed requirement. (I’ll post the catalog below - makes me want to go back to college!) In contrast, our daughter earned 0 credits for 5s in AP Seminar and Research and those two courses were FAR more work- and writing-intensive than either Lit or Lang. Sometimes the credit system doesn’t make sense but I’m sure there’s a rhyme and reason for things.

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Hi,Winky1, thank you so much for such great sharing. You mentioned that your daughter auto admit PA program, do you mean guaranteed physician assistant program? Or once you meet certain conditions then you will get auto admit? Thanks in advance.

@meiju My D18 got the PA Guaranteed Acceptance Program her year. There are many GAPs, and some have no additional parts to it, but others have supplemental essays and a lengthier process. Here’s what I remember, and maybe someone who was invested in the process this year can clarify if there have been changes:

  1. apply EARLY to Pitt and indicate interest in PA GAP
  2. Invited to apply for the PA GAP
  3. Application consisted of a personal statement and I believe 2 letters of recommendation if not 3
  4. Invited to interview for it. She was told that 10 students were being interviewed. 5 got the PA GAP.

What’s great is that if a student changes their mind, they do not have to become a PA. My D18 is seriously considering PA again after thinking Master in Public Health for a while. Her PA program will start in Jan. 2023. She is working 25 hrs. a week at UPMC and also continuing her public health research 20 hrs a week this summer now that she’s graduated. She is also PA shadowing, and she is liking her experience very much. Over her 4 years at Pitt, she had to complete the PA pre-requisites, and meet with a PA advisor at least 1x a year to make sure she was on track. Everything is complete for the program. She just graduated Summa Cum Laude, the Neuroscience Dept. has her as Phi Beta Kappa, Neuroscience major, Chemistry and Administration of Justice minors, and a certificate in Foundations of Medicine (I think that is the name). And honestly, she just scratched the surface. She could have written a thesis on her research, defended it, and finished requirements for the B Phil if she wanted. She could have knocked herself out in pre-professional clubs, etc. Pitt was ripe with opportunity for her. Best of luck!

Did anyone on this thread hear a thing about Chancellor’s? Just curious.

What else? Anything going on? Hope all is well with you and your students.

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Not much going on here. Just working through the online orientation. D is so excited that school is almost over and can’t wait for August!

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Could you share stats please? DD applying Fall22 and wondering her chances. GPA 4.25 and SAT 1430.

3.97 Unweighted GPA - 4.54 Weighted
1490 SAT
Very strong course rigor (finishing with about 39 credits instead of the regular 32)
CS-focused EC’s as well as other things like piano

D submitted her unweighted GPA of 3.97 and no test scores. Applied 8/3 and was accepted into Nursing in state on 9/3.

If this is high on your daughter’s list I absolutely think applying early is the way to go.

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And “early” should be noted: Application opens up July 1. So early to me is apply by mid August at the latest.

For instance, Pitt says applicants who apply by Dec 1 are considered for Honors College and merit money. However, here is an interesting time table – my D22 applied by mid Aug. Was accepted by mid September. Was invited to first Stamps interview by mid Oct. and the interview happened in very early November. Any high stat kid waiting to apply by mid Nov. has already missed ripe opportunity, imo.

Best of luck to any new applicants for 2023!

Thanks! July 1? I thought the application opened August 1. Will look again.

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Thank you and yes, def.applying Aug 1.

And just a follow up. I’m not saying Pitt is lying. I believe they do consider applicants who apply by Dec. 1 for the scholarships and honors college. But they do not start doing this on Dec. 2. They start considering for merit scholarships at the beginning of Oct., and perhaps other opportunities earlier than that. And the acceptances on this thread really slowed up for those that applied in late October and later. I would never wait until Sept. 1 to apply. I’d encourage my kid to apply by mid August.

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Agreed!! D’s scholarship info came out on October 5th.

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Did he take honors bio freshman year?

Actually my S19 was given very bad advise by a non-STEM advisor who told him not to take Chem, Bio and Physics in any given semester so he punted Bio to sophomore year which was a HUGE mistake. He was behind and ended up taking 2 summers of classes to catch up etc. In the end, he found Bio so easy the prof even let him not take the final as he had a 100% and she asked him to be a TA for Bio 2.
Not sure if this answers the question, but he found the Bio classes at Pitt super easy.

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Earlier the better in terms of applying. Many kids who are admitted in September and October would not have been admitted in December and January. Some of the stats of kids who applied late and were denied were extremely impressive. They got a huge influx of applications in November last year so get it in before then.

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Absolutely will do thanks! Any opinion of 4.25 gpa and 1430 SAT? Waiting on scores of SAT retake…. It seems right in the mid range for Pitt.

Sounds fine to me as long as your student applies early. Did you find out if the application opens July 1 or August 1? I still think it’s July 1. Best of luck