University of Pittsburgh Class of 2026 Official Discussion Thread

Honors College Application | University of Pittsburgh

I was just in there looking :slight_smile:


Congratulations!! Are you in state or OOS?

OOS, Dietrich school of sciences


My OOS D received a 20K (over 4 years) scholarship offer today. Dietrich Architecture. She is planning on applying to honors still but hasn’t gotten that far yet. She’s very interested in Pitt but with other offers that she has received so far this may not be the best option for her. Good luck to everyone!


Same scholarship received today for my OOS son for Dietrich. And same situation where although he is very interested the option may not be best given other offers already on table.

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My OOS S22 also got scholarship info today, 80K over 4 yrs. We are quite excited since this makes Pitt possible financially. He applied to Swanson School of Engineering. Now the wait to hear about Honors… best of luck to all!


Wow!! Congrats to all who got nice OOS merit! What were the stats? Nothing yet for my in state D22. Honestly, I’m not sure a 32 is high enough for merit. 3.9 uw, 4.7 w. Thoughts on that?

3.98 unweighted gpa, 5 AP tests taken and 3 more this year, 1510 SAT, NMSF, medium leadership in ECs, some research experience/science fair, pretty good volunteering/community involvement. lots of music/band stuff. It’s really hard to know how they view all of this…


Congrats to all the scholarships! WOW!! My D was accepted last month, FAFSA filled out, and now she’s just waiting to hear about any merit scholarships, etc. We are crossing our fingers since it’s her top pick! So…while we wait, is there anything else that needs to be done? Deposit to save a spot? I know some colleges ask for that even if you haven’t committed yet. I just want to make sure we aren’t missing anything else while we wait. I have seen anything, so I thought I’d ask here to double check!

Do you know if you have to fill out FAFSA to be considered for merit aid?

No, it doesn’t. It was on the list of things for my D to do so I was just saying that it’s done.

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3.98 GPA, 15 APs, 35 ACT, NMSF, good ecs (president at clubs, shadowing, CNA, job, orchestra), premed (neuroscience)

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Progress I suppose, but not too sure how optimistic to be now. D’s document center finally has a letter, but they are requesting mid-year senior grades for further review. She’s applying for CS, 31 ACT, 1410 SAT, 3.5uw/4.5w, editing to add she’s OOS.


@hischoolmomof2 , your kid is a rock star :slight_smile: My D has 5 APs including what she’s taking this year, and I think around 14-15 Honors classes throughout high school. I think she is a wonderful student, but is not quite going to make the cut for merit at dear old Pittsburgh.

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Thanks for the kind words. My son goes to an extremely competitive HS and 25% of the kids do at least 15 APs. I do hear that the number of AP’s doesn’t matter. Your D should be at a good spot with so many honors and AP’s as well. I wish her well and hope she gets great scholarships too! It’s been a great supportive group on this Pitt forum and hope all our kids succeed with great scholarships and do what they want to do!


I’m not sure why Pitt is not highly ranked in the rankings out there, but the community in general has a deep respect for the university. For parents / kids who go to Pitt, what would be the pros and cons of Pitt. This would help us make decisions.


my S’s document center letter said they are requesting mid-year grades as well. I heard that it’s pretty common. when the admissions counselor from Pitt presented at his school, he said not to be upset if Pitt asks for mid-semester grades as it happens a lot. My S didn’t do well freshman year. Sophomore and junior year GPA is 3.6 unweighted.


Thank you for sharing the stats, my son has almost identical stats, applied to SCI 2 weeks ago, a little worried…

Hang in there! This will be a good exercise in patience :slight_smile: I’ve tried to prepare her that with CS there are just so many applicants for too few spots at most of the schools on her list. It’s going to be tough at her level. She did get a great set of scholarships at Iowa State, so we know for sure there is a school with a great CS program she can attend and afford. Pitt has her heart, though. Hopefully her continued hard work this semester will give her a little bump.


Mine is all over the place, Purdue, Miami of Ohio, Marshall University, NC State…I hope he gets in somewhere and is happy! A little merit money would be nice too of course.