University of Pittsburgh Class of 2026 Official Discussion Thread

Thank you!
He applied to Dietrich as undecided.



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Wow!! That’s terrific!

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wow!!! congrats!!!

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Got email and link for how to check documents ! :blush:


Did your D input her grades herself earlier or did you just have the school send the transcript for that? My D didn’t do the self-reported grades until a couple of days ago because she thought our school would be more on top of submitting the transcript but they still haven’t sent it:( Wondering if she won’t hear for another 4 to 6 weeks from now since her grades were only just submitted? Also, did your D apply for honors? Mind did not but I’m trying to get her to change her mind and e-mail.

Hi @TinaHillman , yes, my girl did her SAR pretty quickly before school sent transcript. And yes, she applied for Honors too. Best of luck to your D22

On my application portal, there’s an admission tab that says “accept/decline” admissions. What does this mean? I haven’t gotten any email regarding an admissions decision.

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It means you are accepted. Congratulations!

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When you tap on that tab, what does the main page say? If it says “there are no pending applications” then it is still under review. If it states your major and has blue rectangular icons that say accept and decline then you have been accepted


My DD got 2 letters in the document center one from Dietrich arts and sciences and one from Dental school - congratulating her - does that mean she got into the GAP dental program… so excited and nervous if we are seeing it right


It states my major and has blue rectangular icons. Thanks!
Applied: 9/30 for Dietrich arts and sciences
Accepted: 10/12
Scholarship: n/a, not sure


@Aawasthy , yes, she got the Dental School GAP! Without seeing the letter she received, I am thinking it is like the one my D22 got from Pitt Law congratulating her on her acceptance to Pitt and Dietrich and it specifically says acceptance to Pitt Law. Was there any mention of a scholarship? My D’s said $20,000 average is the Dean’s Scholarship towards law school that is guaranteed as long as she maintains a 3.5 and scores a certain score on the LSAT, which I think is 1 pt. above what Pitt Law’s middle 50% scores are. So it’s definitely attainable.

Take a closer read to the Dental School letter. Congrats!

@winky1 thank u so much for your wishes and congratulations to you too :tada::tada:
No mention about scholarship award other than that scholarship committee meets form oct thru feb and receives admitted candidates on a weekly basis.


My son got $2000/yr scholarship - Dietrich. We are in state. Kind of disappointed given his stats. Now we are worried about Honors College. Does anyone know if Honors invites correspond with a certain scholarship amount?


Do you mind sharing your son’s stats? I am nervous that I will not be getting any merit.

once admitted does anyone know how to apply to honors program?

My D received $2K annually, is in state also, 3.98 UW no test scores. Applied very early which may have helped her.

You’d need to upload the essay. Let me see if I can find the link

DS got a 40k scholarship over 8 semesters notification this morning - they sent us a link to a document