University of Pittsburgh Class of 2026 Official Discussion Thread

I was accepted to UPitt in late September and received a merit scholarship letter for 5k a year (20k total) about 2 weeks later! I never got my acceptance letter in the mail- I checked my application portal when I received an email with a link to my admissions documents, and I got an email with the acceptance video a few weeks later.
My info/stats for reference:
-Out of state
-Architecture major
-3.9 UW GPA, 4.7 W
-Almost all honors classes and 9 APs total
-1480 SAT
-Also I didn’t apply to the Honors college because I didn’t want to write the essay haha

She applied on 10/01, got accepted on 10/15, received merit scholarship on 10/28.

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If she applied and is accepted into the honors college she still may be in the running for Chancellors. Keep in mind it is very competitive, there is a whole weekend dedicated to competing for one of them including an interview. My son was awarded one last year although he chose a different college. He originally was awarded the Cathedral of learning scholarship which was full tuition and then later was invited to compete for Chancellors. I believe they give out about 15-20 of them.

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This was super helpful Spidermom! The Pitt portal was been the most confusing, thank you!

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thank you, very helpful to know the timeline as we await merit decision on my son’s application. Based on your timeline, we have another week to go…

Great info, thank you! So the chancellors scholarship is more than full tuition… is it basically all-expenses-paid one? That’s fantastic, congratulations.

Hi, yes it’s full tuition, room and board. Good luck. I don’t know if your child applied to honors already but my advice would to be to write a really really great essay. They seemed to focus a lot on that in his interview.

Thank you, yes he applied to honors. There was a bit of a hiccup though. I didn’t see any others mention it so we may be the only ones to stumble.

In common app section for honors application, the instructions stated: In lieu of an essay or personal statement, we ask interested applicants to answer short answer questions.

Since he had submitted his personal essay in the common app, this requirement seemed optional (“in lieu of”) rather than additional… so he didn’t submit the honors essay while submitting common app. Later we called admissions, they said it’s mandatory so he submitted separately. The admissions office said sending separately wouldn’t matter to admission/scholarship decision. Hopefully it doesn’t come across negatively.

congrats!! I’m in state and also got accepted late Sept. :slight_smile:

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Thank you for this. Yes, she did apply into the honors college but the decision if she is accepted or not will not be until January or so. Since Chancellors scholarship is only for admitted to honors college, I assume that means that if she is considered for the Chancellor’s scholarship, we will know that only after Pitt’s honors’ decision. Is it correct? Is Cathedral of learning scholarship is also only for Pitt Honors admitted students? Thank you.

You are very welcome! My son applied a couple of weeks ago, and he couldn’t figure out how to make sure that everything was received. It took me about an hour of reading prior threads to find instructions on how to find out if his application was complete. I mean, it was almost impossible to find that information without detailed instructions, so I hope I saved others some time!

Daughter applied 10/3, app not marked complete until 10/14 when SRAR completed. Accept/decline buttons appeared 10/27. Still no official notification of her acceptance. She applied to School of Nursing. Based on prior posts I’m pretty confident the accept/decline buttons means she has been accepted however it will feel much better when she gets that official notification! OOS, 27 ACT, majority of classes were honors or AP


He should be fine. Good luck to him.

Yes the invite to compete for Chancellors is way down the road. Like April or May if I remember correctly. The Cathedral of Learning Prestige is a Pitt scholarship. I believe it is a diversity scholarship.

Do you have access to the document center? Sometimes they send the email to have access before they notify you of the letter, but often it’s there for a few days before they notify you. Good luck!


@tumagmom My daughter insists she has not received any emails regarding the document center. So for now we wait😓

Applied using Upitt app on 10/12, sent in resume on 10/15. No decision yet.

Hi, the same thing happened to my son. It was hard to feel completely confident but I believe I found a link to the document center in a thread here and followed it and his acceptance letter was there. :blush: He never received an email, so he says, lol. Just yesterday he did receive an acceptance video. Hooray :+1:.

Try this link and best of luck:


My son’s first email about the document center ended up in his spam folder. He has now received that same email 3 times for some reason.

My son has received multiple emails as well, but each time a new document was added to the document center.