University of Pittsburgh Class of 2027 Official Discussion Thread

Going to admitted student day in april before committing. It is about 99% sure that he is attending. Right now he’s looking at Sutherland as well.


My D filled out the housing info without a roommate — especially since some of her choices were single room options. But you can always go back in and revise later if you find a specific roommate.


Pitt used to give housing preference for those who submitted application/paid deposit earlier, but they no longer do that. As long as the application is in by the deadline, his chances are the same. There is no rush. I would wait to see if he finds a roommate.

Last year there were class of 2026 groups on Facebook and IG that kids used to find roommates, too.

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Wish you a nice visit! Accepted student day really helped my son feel confident about choosing Pitt.

I see that your son is in honors (A belated congratulations! :tada:). Check out the view from the honors study space in the Cathedral of Learning (can’t bring myself to call it ‘Cathy’ :slight_smile: ). We weren’t able to tour Sutherland Hall, so S23 just checked it out from the outside (location, distance from classes). I think the campus tour does include visiting a dorm. And S23 found the major specific session (computer science for us) with the faculty and student panel really useful. I hope you will have a good experience! Let us know how it went.


Thanks for the information!

Thanks for the advice!

Hi all.
My son just completed his application for Fall of 2023 today. (He had the application in by Nov 1, but didn’t enter his individual grades until tonight.) Any advice on what we can expect timing wise? Are they still accepting people?
U Conn also asked him to enter each grade from each year of H.S., and he didn’t do it for U Conn either and they still admitted him with a nice merit scholarship. Clearly that’s not how Pitt does it. I hope he didn’t ruin any chance of acceptance by waiting this long.
Thanks all!

Pretty sure they’re just waitlisting everyone at this point. Yes, they’re rolling, but the applicant number was huge again this year.


Do you mean he finished and submitted the SRAR tonight?

I would call and ask admissions where they are with acceptances. There is no reason for you all to be on pins and needles waiting if the class is already full.

I agree with @Gatormama that the likeliest outcome right now is that he will be waitlisted. There is always some small possibility he is interested in a program that isn’t full or has a hook you haven’t mentioned here, so call and see what they say.


Also, for future readers of this thread, I’m a bit confused as to why he waited this late to submit. There was zero need to submit senior-year grades as part of the SRAR - you can put the classes taken and “in progress,” if I recall correctly.

Your school can send a midyear report in senior year (and I don’t even think Pitt requires that unless there are concerns). And then, of course, the final transcript, but that isn’t needed unless the student is attending, because by then, decisions have been made all around.


He’s a strong applicant and thought he would get in other places and have more options, but he didn’t. Waitlisted at Wake Forest and admitted to U Conn with merit $ and admitted to JMU. He doesn’t want to stay in his home state of Virginia, so really, that only leaves you U Conn at this point, and he didn’t want to be in the middle of nowhere.
Rejected from B.U., Villanova & UVA.
Waiting to hear from U of Michigan, but that was a reach.
It’s just been brutal this year for these kids.

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UConn is a half hour from Hartford, hardly the middle of nowhere. If your son doesn’t have any options he likes, he can apply to other schools that are still accepting applications, such as West Virginia University and possibly some of the midwest and southern flagships. He can also take a look at the NACAC list of schools with openings that will probably be coming out within the next few weeks. Last year, the list came out March 31 and was updated daily.


JMU was his safety and he doesn’t wanna go there so not really a safety in this case. I’m sorry. Fwiw my D19 is at WVU and has had a good 4 years even with the pandemic.


Thank you! That was super helpful. I was a fan of the UConn idea, b/c they showed him so much love. It’s also 90 minutes from Boston.
I’m taking him to admitted students day there on April 15th if he doesn’t get into Michigan.

We also went on Common App last night and had fun applying to schools who still had their applications open …schools in Oregon and Utah! It will be very interesting to see how it all plays out. I think he just wanted to feel like he had more than one out of state option. I think he will thrive wherever he goes. As a mom I just wanted his little ego to have the boost of having a few more acceptances and more of a choice, because the rejections hit him hard.

Hell, maybe he gets into Michigan. There’s no rhyme or reason to all of it and he does come from a family of alums. I just didn’t want him to pin all his hopes on an acceptance there, since odds are he won’t get one. Some of this is to help ease the blow if we don’t get good news from Ann Arbor.


It sounds like you have a good plan in place.

If he visits UConn and doesn’t like it, take a breath and consider the possibility of a gap year. It sounds like he is a great kid, but may not have had enough higher likelihood schools on his list. As @Gatormama said, he needs to want to go to his safety for it to be really a safety. A safety shouldn’t be considered inferior, just more likely for admissions.

Before having kids this age, I didn’t see the value of a gap year. Once I had seniors, I realized how much they could learn and mature in that year, then start college in a much better position to succeed. Neither of my kids took a gap, but every kid I know who has seems to be better for it. So many kids are doing things at a different pace. He should not feel that he needs to stay in lock step with anyone. If he takes a gap, try to be much more conservative with his college list as admissions gets tougher each year. Really dive into, research, visit, and generally learn to love his likely schools. If he can see all the wonderful possibilities at a school that is just about a sure thing, any other acceptance will be icing on the cake.


Unfortunately, there is no room left at the main campus from what we were told. My daughter submitted her application on Dec 15th despite me telling her that she should submit much earlier. She was under the impression that rolling admission meant there would always be spots available and she was focused on getting her top EA applications in prior to that. She was notified on 1/5 that they were still awaiting some additional documents from her. She was accepted to the Bradford campus first week of Feb and told that there were simply no spots remaining at the main campus and they did not review her application until all documents were in. High stat kid who we thought getting into Pitt wouldn’t be an issue. We were quickly humbled and will know better the next go-round with my son when it comes to schools with rolling admissions.


Did Pitt say they were full for all majors/schools or full specifically for the business school?

Does anyone have experience with jazz band or accapella as a club activity? My student is torn between UMD and Pitt for CS. Likes both equally. Wondering if these activities are better in one school than another.

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My S19 has played in the jazz band at Pitt 2 semesters. It is NOT a club. It is a one credit class each semester and you audition each semester and kids do not get in.
You audition the first week of classes so you may end up one credit less so plan accordingly. It’s a small jazz band, reminds me of a good high school jazz band, nothing more nothing less. I don’t have any info on accapella activities.
If UMD is a club and you can be a part of these activites all four years, then I would choose that personally. Music is very important to my son and honestly, he would have gotten a music minor if the music program was larger at Pitt. He pretty much has a self-directed jazz minor on paper by taking a la cart music/jazz courses.


excited for admitted students day today!!