University of Pittsburgh Class of 2027 Official Discussion Thread

Hello Everyone ,

Accepted to UPitt honors( scholarship) , guaranteed BSMS program. Also got into T20 ( cant afford) , UNC Chapel Hill no honors oos, TX Austin no honors oos and Tulane honors ( after scholarship is expensive), Case Western…etc…

Looking to get into med school. Does anyone know if UPitt honors is the best choice here as a pre med ? Does UPitt take many students from its own undergrad ? How many undergrad got accepted to med school ? Are research and shadow opportunites easy to get ? Do you need a car on campus ?Is there a honors only dorm?
Do honor kids really get special attentions and opportunities?

Thanks !

What is the BS/MS program? Is that like a guarantee for their med school? If so, that is great. Their med school and dental school are both very good. We are currently waiting to hear if my D is going to get the dental GAP. She was granted candidacy and asked to send further application materials when she was accepted to the school, so now we just need to know if she’s in that guarantee program or not. Really hoping to hear soon so she can make her decision as it’s the last thing we are waiting to hear.

UPitt has many BS+MS guaranteed BS+master professional programs. We would like to know the med school success rate from undergrad and the honors program .

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Current Pitt parents, what has been your experience with housing? Someone posted on FB that there may be a housing crunch this year due to over admitting. I understand that students are guaranteed housing somewhere, but wouldn’t want my student in a hotel or other make-shift solution. Is this a rumor that goes around every year? I called housing and they don’t even have the numbers from admissions yet so maybe it’s just a rumor.

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There has been over admittance in the past few years but don’t know about this year. The hotels aren’t bad if your kid ends up there. They are no farther than the dorms and have RAs and whole floors of students. In a way it’s like a nicer dorm. It’s really not a bad outcome if it happens.


Many, many colleges are dealing with similar housing issues, so please research all schools your student is considering and not just Pitt because you have heard of theirs.

Although Pitt’s class of 2026 is not as overenrolled as 2025, there have still been disruptions this year. About 150 incoming freshman were in a dorm at Carlow, which has a campus adjacent to Pitt’s. I do not know of any hotels being used this year.

The abundance of 2025 students continued to impact the 2026s when it came time to select housing for next year. By the time time that current freshmen with higher housing lottery numbers had a chance to select a room, the school had run out of most rooms that had been allocated. At this point, they have paused housing selection for the remaining freshman (seems to be a smallish number, but not insignificant). I assume they are regrouping to see how they can shift rooms, find options, or perhaps wait to see if some will choose off campus housing.

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Will the 2025 overenrollment impact our 2027 kids in terms of housing?

I would think the effects will dissipate. Pitt doesn’t seem to be accepting as many transfer students based on some surprising denials I have heard, too, which will benefit the 2027s.


When is admitted students’ day at Pitt? Clearly they were not full. My son just got accepted today,


My D22 is one of the 260 freshman unable to bid for next year. So we found her an apartment right on campus. She wanted a single with a kitchen and all that is left are dorms… both single and doubles with no private kitchens. She will stay in this apartment for the next 3 years if she likes it. Pitt reserves Towers A and B, Holland Hall, and these types of dorms for freshman. The hotels are awesome if they use them as they are on campus and you get a private bathroom. I doubt they will do this again its probably pretty expensive. This was a Covid thing.

I would never allow my kids to stay in the Carlow dorms. As I posted before they are far away and you are forced to walk along busy streets to get anywhere.

As for my S19 and his upperclassmen friends. They have lived on campus all 4 years both in dorms and the apartment style dorms. They did not have trouble securing on campus housing all 4 years. They also don’t mind using the cafeterias. Big difference if you want to be able to cook, as my D22 does.

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How is honors housing in terms of distance to campus? Are they singles ?


Congratulations! :tada: You must be relieved after the scare with the grade submission.

You should go to this page: Admitted Student Day - Admissions | University of Pittsburgh to look up the dates. It seems it is major/school specific. There is an April 14th date for computer science, but I don’t know what your student’s major is.

Honors housing is at Sutherland Hall, about 10 minute walk to central campus, and I heard it’s an uphill walk back to Sutherland Hall. There are no single rooms at Sutherland, only doubles.


Honors housing is in Sutherland Hall. It is a very nice dorm. A/C, eatery ,small gym, large lobby and gathering areas. The rooms are suites- 2 large double rooms that share a bathroom.
Sutherland is on “ Cardiac Hill”, Upper campus near the Pete and main gym. There are busses that run frequently.

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Which apartments are on campus? My daughter will be in an apartment next year, too…I hope she stays all 3 years in it!

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Is it really far from main campus?
Would freshman be better off in towers?

The towers have much smaller rooms and share the bathrooms with the entire floor. It completely depends on the type of freshman year your students wants. The towers are extremely social. Lots of “gathering” and a great place to live to meet a lot of freshman. It is more of a typical freshman dorm. My son, who is not an honor student, ended up in Sutherland and didn’t even have it on his top 3 picks. He did meet a lot of kids in the towers and seemed to spend quite a bit of time there first semester. He felt that Sutherland was a “nicer” place to live and met great people, but the towers would have been a lot of fun. He was happy to be at Sutherland and did not mind being on upper campus. When it came to housing for next year he really wanted to be on the lower campus. Wanted to be closer to classes and campus happenings. As a parent I really liked Sutherland for a first residence. IMO if your daughter is in honors, I would choose Sutherland.


Do you know if Nordenberg is a relatively quiet dorm? My son is planning to apply for the Music LLC there and is wondering. Also wondering if it’s difficult to get in the music llc…He’s not a music major, but plays the viola, piano, and guitar. He’s hoping to find other CS majors in the music LLC at Nordenberg.

Bridge on Forbes, SkyVue, Webster Hall.

My S19 did both a single in Towers C freshman year and a quad in Irvis (upper campus)in later year. He prefers lower campus better. He’s in Bouquet Gardens this year. He is in the honors college but never lived in honors housing. Find my older posts about this.

Benefits of upper campus:
Somewhat quieter but major construction going on now which negates that. Nearby Sutherland has a cafeteria.

Towers benefits: Cafeteria in the building, closer to most classroom buildings and major food establishments, closer to the buslines. Cons: more noise and activity.

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